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Everything posted by SteveRS

  1. Its just down the end of my road, but i know what your saying. I did a compare thing on Uswitch and it gave me the speeds for my area based on my address.
  2. Thanks Keith, I will give this a try, thanks mate. Although i might switch providers as my download speed is currently 3.9mbps and Sky can give me 7.0mbps
  3. +1 although out of preference I'd move well away from TalkTalk I know, i would definitely change if i could get a better deal else where without it costing me £30 + a month! I'll have a look at netgear, any particular models?
  4. I'm not too clued up on what is and what isn't a good router, all i know is that my 4 year old siemens tiscali stock router is not working how it should be, i have to turn it off and on again on a regular basis to get wireless connectivity back. So im looking to replace it and my question to those with a bit more knowledge than me is, what is the best router to go for which is compatible with Talk Talk? What do you guys use? Any help is much appreciated
  5. £15 starting bid for those mats is a bargain, no bids so far either!
  6. WOW!! you learn something new everyday, I always thought you were a 5'2" male! I do apologise if I ever called you mate, fella, bud, etc!
  7. I have definitely failed in the bud for a place in the calendar looking at all these pics!!
  8. Sorry to hear that mate! Just get some plastic ones, the metal caps can corrode and then seize up on the valves, resulting in the valve snapping when trying to get the caps off, happened on my first 350z. I always have plastic ones now, nobody nicks them too!
  9. Just washed the car as its such a nice day here. As I was washing it I caught the badges and the Z has fallen off and the others are quite loose, what's the best stuff to use to stick the back on so that they stay there? Steve
  10. Hi Paul, welcome along! You can get a Hexis clear vinyl wrap to protect against stone chips.
  11. Your mentioned the R2C CAI, why is this one better than other CAI, is it just the material they are made from? Do you work for a tuning company?
  12. Has Taras suggested anything that he might be able to do to make them fit? If nothing reasonable can be done to make them fit, request a refund because your not happy with the product. Npoint trying to modify them and messing them up and being unable to get a refund.
  13. Ouch! Very annoying when you look forward to having something new put on the car and then it doesn't quite work out. I would send them back.
  14. I'll just hand my card over and let you go on a spending spree for me!
  15. Is the nismo CAI still available?
  16. Thats a rather big brush of tar you are wielding there Dave - I'm sure there are some out there that do No one I know of has tried a Stillen Gen3 on a 350z over here yet, bet that would make gains as they mess with the MAF housing diameter to confuse the fueling to compensate so the ECU cant dial it back as easy. Me too Chris Its probably as people aren't aware.. They will all be on the website though Steve, I would have thought you would have gone for the Nismo one dude Your right Tarmac i should...........now where can i find one of those?
  17. Looks like it has fallen in/out at some point.
  18. maybe yours has fallen inside the dash? is there a hole?
  19. Maybe tint the rear lights
  20. Sorry, didnt mean to come across as harsh. Sometimes I forget that not everyone has been here as long as I have. It's a question thats been asked many times, hopefully we've helped answer. No worries Lexx, i can take it Thanks for your help, i was thinking it looked good so surely it must be good. I will probably wait for an ARC, i quite like the look of those too. Its all about remapping!!
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