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Everything posted by M9O OEY

  1. WOW Paul you have an awesome talent there,do you own a bodyshop ? Really looking forward to seeing the finished Z
  2. I like both the fronts and rears really tempted to do this as my fronts look a bit tatty as they have faded my only concern is as captain asks how reversible isit once done ?
  3. Myself and a workmate are seriously looking at buying a cheap car and going autograssing next season .does anyone autograss ? the main outlay We think would be the car, fitting a roll cage that we'd do also changing the fuel tank to a plastic one. If anyone does autograss what are the hidden costs etc ? is there any info you can give us before we dive in head first
  4. Told her today she's banned
  5. Hi, my car battery has failed twice In a wk but both times the mrs had borrowed the car . Today she told me she unlocked the doors forgot to use the immobilizer fob tried to start the engine and the battery was dead. I then had to jump the battery,I use the car daily and it's never happened to me, I'd driven 30 miles today before she borrowed the car so the battery should of been fully charged. Do u think I just need a new battery ? is it somethin to do with forgettin to use the fob and tryin to start the engine ?or should I ban her from driving the car ?thanks for any replies Newbie
  6. I found admiral multicar the cheapest by £150 but had to promise to add the mrs car on in September to get the reduction.
  7. Couldn't agree more macca the bloke is a legend
  8. Honest don't go there she's already curbbed then whilst I was in the car .
  9. Iv got two beagles and they can be a right hanfull to be honest but they are really soft and really good with other dogs. Only problem is now and again they decide to chase rabbits and I can't get them back . But apart from that there great pets and I definitely wouldn't swap them for anythin else.
  10. How good is phil Taylor I don't think they'll ever be a better/more successfull dart player in my lifetime
  11. Could of been my mrs borrowin the car
  12. Firstly I love the look from all angles I reguarly get people saying how nice the car is even a bloke at works changing his sti for a 370. Also the noise when you put your foot down
  13. The stereo was the least of my worries when I bought my car . The first thing I did was get rid of the Bose stereo and put in adouble din after market stereo. I wouldn't even mention it. Most people when buying a car won't listen to the stereo they'll listen to the engine
  14. Me too but iv recently gone back on the tools to be honest I prefer it lits less hassle. .
  15. I've got an auto one of the main reasons was the heavy clutch on the manual z , tbh I find it a great drive and when I push it across into tiptronic the car is even better . It's the third auto / tiptronic iv owned - alfa and FTO, And definitely the best
  16. All future televised England matches have been moved to the gay adult channel. Apparently, the sight of 11 arseholes frequently getting hammered for 90 mins was far too explicit for normal TV.
  17. I normally press every button I see but somehow missed it tbh I thought it was to swap over sides to adjust the electric mirrors:dummy: . Wheres the boot release buttonthis seems to of been missed also .
  18. Thanks can't believe it's taken me so long to find
  19. Just gave my car a quick detail inside and out and when polishing inside preseed a button by the window controls and both wing mirrors closed . Is this standard on all cars or only on jap imports ? ATB Newbie
  20. I always thank them and normally make a joke bout it being a present off Mr bank manager
  21. Thanks for the replies iv had a go and ended up removing the bloody so called spring I believe the previous owner had the same problem as it was bent out of shape and had plier marks on it
  22. Thanks will have a look tomorrow
  23. Hi When I went to fill up last night it took about 10 mins and 100 presses of the button to open the flap . I cam hear the soleniod operating when I press thebutton nut the flap stays closed anyone got any ideas ?
  24. If my exhaust sounded like one of those poxy things I'd of sold the car by now
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