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Everything posted by Benjo83

  1. Hey Peter, sorry I missed your post. I'm just outside london to be honest, Upminster. Not sure if you know it. Budget, I would say around £8500! Cheers
  2. Cheers chaps. I'll email him now and see what he says in the morning. Be just my luck if its too good to be true haha
  3. Evening all, well, technically morning all but hey. I'm supposed to be heading to Peterborough tomorrow to chck out a Zed i've seen. But, I just did a last minute HPI check and its come back with a mileage discrepancy. Now I dont know what to do. It claims the DVLA records show 62k in Jan 10 and then 53k in Feb 10. Could just be a typo but can/should I take the chance?
  4. Interesting. What have you got mate and how much are you looking for?
  5. Aaaaaargh I can't find it. Where am I looking?
  6. Hi all, I've been hunting around for a nice zed and I think I may have found one. It's at a companies premises in Peterborough, though I'm from London. I was hoping to take a trip up there either this Saturday or next and wanted to see if there was anyone who might be in the area who could lend me a hand. I'm a newb when it comes to buying cars...owned mine for 9 years (dont ask me why...I dont know), so any help would be massively appreciated. Cheers Ben
  7. haha, I should have seen that one coming Sounds like a top idea though...taking one of you guys along. I'd be going with someone who really knows their stuff then. Cheers
  8. Awesome, I was hoping it'd be a good one. I know its MOT'd for a year, not sure about tax but I guess I can haggle on that one. I know there's a post somewhere about buying tips but should I look for anything in particular? Also, in your opinions, how much lower do you think I could reasonable push him? I'mguessing not that far
  9. Cheers for the heads up. I've taken the risk...and if anyone else buys it before me I will just have to hunt them down
  10. Awesome. Cheers. Well, here we go then. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201104377962969/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/9000/transmission/manual/maximum-mileage/up_to_80000_miles/model/350_z/make/nissan/page/3/postcode/rm143yd/radius/1500?logcode=p As you can see, its listed at £8495. The guys offered me £1400 for my current car on px and I'vepushed him and he'ssaid he should be able to be a bit flexible on the remaining price. So, without the haggling I'd be looking at £7095 and I'm hopeful of getting him down further. What do you think?
  11. Thanks everyone. I have to say this still feels like one of the friendliest forums I've been on. Quick (and no doubt stupid) question...if I've seen a car for saleand amlooking for some advice from you folks as to whether its a goodun or if I should keep on hunting, where do I post? Cheers
  12. Thanky Sir. Feels goodto be back. Been on an internet scour today and have remembered just how much I love the look of the car
  13. Hi all, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been noticed as I wasn't here for long but I want to apologise forspeaking to you guy for a while and then disappearing. Had a bit of a mare with work and my dream of buying a zed faded quicker than an English summer! However, after a brief time away and some time to save I am now back on the market for the zed I've been waiting for. I've seen there are quite a few out there now for between £7k and £9k that look pretty nice and have reasonable mileage...so hopefully in the not too distant future I can join in the party. Ben
  14. Well I'm pretty much in London to be fair, just outside it anyway but its the concept of that journey home that still has me interested!!! 4hour train journey and then a few hours of driving pleasure
  15. Thanks Rich. I didn't know that. It's not something I'm too bothered about to be honest but its definately useful to know.
  16. Cool, thats not tooooooo far away. Cheers. My eyes clearly aren't working properly as I didn't see that As a self confessed newb to the Z I'm just a bit apprehensive about committing. I do really like the car though Edit. Clearly I didn't read "Northumberland" properly and was thinking Northampton...good one Ben!!!! Thats about as far away from me as I can get whilst still staying in England
  17. Where abouts are you? I'm seriously considering it
  18. Hi there, I like the look of the car and it seems to be at a pretty good price.I'm in the market to get one, though I wanted to ask your's...and anyone elses...opinion on the stone chips. Are they easy to put right or is it fairly costly (i.e. respray)? Cheers Ben
  19. Sounds Like an awesome idea . Whats the damage? We have meets in Essex when it stops snowing so come along and say Hi. And I may well just have to swing by. Where abouts do you guys normally meet? I'm on the outskirts near Lakeside
  20. Hi. Thats good to know that there's someone fairly local to me at least aty some points. I had a quick look at the calender and noticed there were quite a few gatherings near me which would probably be really goodfor me to go to, at the very least just to meet some of you guys and see the cars. I'm a bit concerned that at the moment though I would be rolling up in a *cough*renault*cough*. Sorry, I know this is a family site so I shouldn't be swearing
  21. Indeed it was. Thanks for the directions...now i just need to try and make myself somewhat less "zedless"
  22. Pleased to meet you all. Thanks for the tips on posting the potential car on here first, I'll definately remember to do that. Going to do some hardcore hunting tonight so if I manage to find anything I'll see what you all think. Cheers Ben
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