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Posts posted by ian.lewkowicz

  1. Yes you can, and I know this for a fact as mine are always in there


    As other have said there is a sticker explaining how to get 2 sets in. Dunno whether I'd say you could though. There is a bit of a twist involved. I put them in the rear part of the boot. I put the head's of the clubs in first into the left hand side and the twist the bag and lower into the car, and you can also fit other bits in the rear part of the boot like I've got a few tools, tyre compressor, bottle of washer fluid and a few other bits and bobs.


    For the sort of car it is, you get more space than it seems at first

  2. Exactly the same question I was thinking mate, I'm sure they will screw you over somehow


    Almost 100% certain it will affect your premium next year. Same theory as if you crash another car insured under another policy. It is still an accident that has to go down in your accident history and as such your premium will still be affected. I had an accident while driving a car I was insured on as a second driver (while I was learning) My first premium ended up being £1600 on a Peugeot 106 1.1 because of this.


    The advantage of protecting your NCB isn't that it won't go up at all, but bear in mind to protect them you need at least 4 years (I believe) and if the insurance companies are to be believed that will be equal to a 40% reduction in your price. So your premium may go up, but you'll still have a 50% discount the following year (4 years NCB carried forward plus your added year) If you lost the NCB too your premium would no doubt go up a lot more

  3. I'm up for this:


    1/ martinmac if I have to walk there.

    2/ SunGodRA - need to confirm, might be in Mexico then

    3/ Muddy (sat)

    4/ Scott

    5/ ATTAK Z

    6/ MadMarky

    7/ Patman

    8/ Greekman -if i dont forget about it until then lol

    9/ Smudge (if life gets better and I get a job by then)

    10/ Chris`I (TBC)

    11/ Harman350z

    12/ Shire

    13/ M13KYF (sat)

    14/ Lincolnbaggie

    15/ DontPanic (Dave - Probably Sat & Sunday morning)

    16/ Gibby

    17/ Ian.Lewkowicz

  4. Alright,


    Not been on here for a while - Not got a 350Z yet (fingers crossed, will have one soon once I've found the right one :thumbs: )


    Got caught last March on the A34 on a Sunday afternoon, and a friend got caught by Portshill on the A500 two weeks ago. I live in Trentham.


    Camera alley indeed - it really is a joke around here! :angry::rant:





    Tell me about it, i lived in Trentham for 16 years (Constance Avenue) ;)


    Not far from me then at all. I live in Hanford, Stone Road, and have done all my life (25 years)


    The A34 does take the ****, it's that bad I even prefer to go to stafford on the M6 (althought that's a bit iffy at the moment with all the stupid road works)

  5. I know I know, I should bite my tongue and try to be polite but him taking a picture got my back up staight away. 3 times I've been pulled this month. Once for being in my girlfriends car commiting no offence whatsoever and the other in the early hours of the morning for doing 60mph on the motorway. So please try to understand my attitude folks


    I can understand your frustration but I do agree with some others on here. There's generally a reason they've pulled you, might be nothing to do with what your doing. They've possible seen a slightly dodgy bit of your plate and have had a local 350z doing something suspicious and are thinking maybe this is the car?


    As for the driving your girlfriends car and being pulled. If it had been stolen and the registered keeper was a girl and they'd seen a bloke driving it then you'd want them to be pulling you over to check wouldn't ya?


    I was pulled over before I had my Z coming off a pub car park just after midnight and the police car was travelling the opposite direction. He turned round in the road followed me for about a minute then pulled me over. The reason being I was driving off a car park just after it had closed. Now the people that were in the car with me thought this was un-reasonable, however, I thought at least they are checking. If it was someone else and they were drunk and the police hadn't checked, they could have caused an accident or worse still killed someone. So for delaying me for 5 minutes (they didn't breathalise me as they could tell from my breath that I hadn't had a drink - I hadn't even been in the pub, was just picking someone up) they could have prevented an accident or a death so I wasn't bothered.


    The overall of what I'm saying is, although you think there's no reason that they might be pulling you over. They have got to have a legitimate reason. It might be nothing to do with you or your car. It could be something that's happened in their policing area involving a similar car / person

  6. Ouch, hopefully he died instantly, would be nasty if he lay and suffered. That was always my worst fear when I was on the flumes as a kid at my local swimming pool!


    Unfortunately I don't think he did. I'm sure I've read a report that he died later in hospital


    The track design etc and safety will have never thought this possible because it's almost un-heard of that it would have happened. Obviously it has and it's a horrific accident and as such surely there will now be a redesign and some protection built not only on that corner but all of them. As the athletes push themselves there's more and more chance of something like this happening. But you can't put an athlete in a competition and expect them to not push themselves.


    I don't know whether it would have prevented any injury but even something like a Perspex cover (as to not cover any viewing if that's why the gap is there) would have at least meant the athlete wouldn't have hit a steel girder, he'd have been skidding down the track instead.

  7. Yeah, I hated the A34 when I was at uni. Used to travel every day from Hanford to Stafford and we counted them one day and because we hadn't been driving long (and could only get 5 points before getting banned) think we worked it out that on a round trip to uni and back you could have been banned about 8 times over.


    I did end up getting caught twice within a month on that road by mobile vans :(

  8. Welcome to the forum. Get yourself along to a meet now you've found the forum. :D:thumbs:


    Oh I will, and also go to quite a few of the shows so will hopefully see some of ya there too. I was gonna go to the West Mids meet/drive on the 28th but I'm away that weekend so can't make it. Will be going to the next one so long as I'm free

  9. Wasn't sure where to put this so sorry if it's in the wrong section or if I shouldn't be posting it but just wanted to give a heads up to fellow owners.


    Anyone based in or around (or travelling through) Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire on the a500. The last 2 days there has been a Police Speed Camera van in a layby between the two tunstall turnoff's in the temporary 50 speed zone (due to roadworks) so if ya do usually have a bit of a heavy right foot just be careful through the roadworks as it's been there the last two days for certain.


    Also VOSA are getting pretty hot on with sitting on the M6 J16 Round-a-bout in the afternoons

  10. Hiya all, have put a post in the main welcome area but thought I'd say hi here too. Joined up yesterday, got my pics uploaded to my webspace and decided to post a welcome message so here it is. If ya wanna see the pics they are in the original post here


    Welcome to the club mate, got a meet on the 28th if you fancy meeting the rest of the mad house that is te west midlands!!


    I was looking at the post and was thinking yeah it sounds like fun I'll come along to that. But then I realised I'm actually away that weekend at Centreparks, but I'll try my best to make the next one

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