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Everything posted by Neutreus

  1. I'll join the plaudits. I would also say it's one of, if not the best film I've ever seen. Absolutley loved it. Had to watch it in 2D as 3D was all booked out but will be going back to watch it again in 3D it's that good. Will probably blow me away again in 3D!
  2. Car washes are the work of the devil. I still don't trust this 'anti-scratch' business. If I'm feeling lazy (or it's bloomin cold outside ) then there are 2 or 3 what are dubbed as 'american hand car wash' places by me. Much safer. Hope you get it resolved with the manager.
  3. I can't seem to get the link to work - anyone else having that problem? Scrap that, it just worked
  4. I suspect that was it, I usually keep the phone in the cubby hole above the stereo. Close enough for feeback I presume?
  5. Hmmm, perhaps I did it the long way round. I took the bumper off completely to do this. Took about an hour but kinda felt like I should have done more than just change the reflectors after all that effort, but it looks much better now
  6. I also use the I-phone and I make/receive calls without any problems. Although I did get some major feedback when using it yesterday. Anyone else had this?
  7. Snowpatrol - pick any of there 3 albums! They are all epic. This morning was the final straw (the album title not the morning )
  8. I know mate, it's the Neutreus you know. We enjoyed a 'spirited' drive up from S.Wales, followed by a beer or three and then to a certain RAF base in Cambridge last year. Thought I would put a few posts on here too. As to the comment re.Envy, couldn't agree more, after all, they did all my mods, a superb job
  9. Yeah, would agree re.performance, doesn't change it much at all. What it does do is create a sound that only the gods should be able to make I have a 5Zigen A-spec exhaust fitted along with a few extra bits (sport CATS, plenum spacer, straight through Y Pipe and popcharger) and I absolutely love the way it sounds, especially as you go through 3500 revs. Music to my ears. Didn't have to change anything else on the car and haven't noticed any difference re MPG.
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