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Posts posted by s1xtyn1n3

  1. id keep the carbon bootlid and bonnet and the wheels thats it, but even replacing bootlid and bonnet and getting painted could be too expensive for me to try :( this inspection was £299.00 monday ! totally broke! just insured it etc..


    Know i def want a 350z , just one without all the grief, least i know i can prob get £8900 from webuyanycar ! :) not too bad!

    20's on 350z isnt right though is it? so maybe sell the 20s separate and get my new zed some other wheels?

    i dont have to keep the car now, i have told them i may not be keeping it. its not to my satisfaction of a show car therefore wont wana be showing it.... but i may still keep her.... could the number plate being where it is be the reason for the horrid smell when i accelerate?! over heating??


    sooo much to do!

    sell the wheels and buy some oem's - a set with rubber shouldn't cost more than £200 really. Either that or put your 20's up for trade here. I'm sure someone with stocks might be interested in swapping with you and throwing in some cash :)

  2. webuyanycar say theyl pay £ 8900- whats the deal with that site? take it they inspect everything, do they def buy it straight away if they inspect and its all ok??

    you'll need to take it to a local inspection point and they'll take a look at it there. I'm not sure how many there are, but when I was playing around with it, it said there was one in norwich (only a couple of miles away from me) so I'm guessing there should be one near you.


    As long as you've been honest about the quality of the car, they should offer you something close to the value the site said, but don't forget they have an admin fee which will be about £75 if you decide to go ahead.


    It should be a relatively quick and easy sale though if you can't be bothered with canvasers or are worried the mods will put off buyers :)

  3. all good advice :thumbs:


    i'll be taking a crack at mine on saturday as well as having a second go at putting an aux on the bose as well as a few other minor things i want to give some attention to. good thing i need to get up early for the F1, looks like it's going to be a long day!


    will post back with results :)

  4. wonder what i can get for it?????!

    when we were messing about in the office on webuyanycar.com (yes, annoying isn't it!), they offered £8155 for my UK 54 plate (which has done 44k). Not that I'm selling, it's just interesting to see what they'd pay for it compared to the market list price....


    I guess you could get a bit more than that though given the parts it's got on it even if the interior's a bit nackered. Either way you go, I guess you'd end up spending about the same, but if it were me, I'd get way more satisfaction from doing it up rather than replacing :thumbs:

  5. I get between 12 and 18mpg for my daily crawl through the city. The lowest I've ever seen was 8, but can't say I'm that fussed really as I'm doing only 40 miles per week and it's still cheaper than getting the bus!

  6. Well, i did mine today but i think i've shorted something as soon as i connect the jack to my phone, my phone switches off!


    Everything car-wise still works, but the weather was too crappy to really have another attempt today. Will try again next week :)


    Now then mate, the only part you can get wrong is soldering the earth to a audio tab lol...Just check you have them all right :thumbs:


    yeah, i think the positioning is ok, but i think one or more cores from the shielding cable might be touching an audio lead. its going to have to wait as i've got to dismantle the drivers door first to fix an issue with my window getting scratched to pieces. on top of that, i've got a digital camera in 10 pieces on my desk that really needs sorting!

  7. I've noticed that i'm getting a lot of scratches on the driver's window. The marks are all vertical which suggests that the window is scratching as its opened and closed. I've cleaned the rubber seals, but it appears that whatever is causing it, is further down the door.


    Is there a way I can clean this out without having to resort to removing the door card?


    Also, I need to get rid of the scratches - I had a quick go at it with brasso, but it didn't seem to be helping. Should I persist or is there something else I should use?

  8. shell v-power seems to be most people's favourite tipple, although i hear good things about tesco's high octain stuff...


    i personally use bp ultimate as it happens to be the nearest petrol station to me bar sainsburys (and i'm a nectar points whore!)

  9. Well, i did mine today but i think i've shorted something as soon as i connect the jack to my phone, my phone switches off!


    Everything car-wise still works, but the weather was too crappy to really have another attempt today. Will try again next week :)

  10. only the l-ch and r-ch points need to be connected


    If I get the time - i'll do mine on saturday and post up photos


    thats what i said

    yeah, it's also what i said, yet the question keeps getting asked :lol:


    if the weather holds and i can find a 3.5mm cable, i'll post up some sort of guide :thumbs:

  11. pretty much, but as mentioned above, if you solder to the 3 top right connectors in that picture instead, you don't need to break the tracks on the PCB.


    you also need to put a cassette in to trick it into playing otherwise you can't select "tape". most people use a dummy cassette so that it doesn't make any noise from the gears

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