Hi everyone, hope your all ok. Just a quick one really, as some of you are aware i am looking for a nice zed at the moment, but i am wandering weather to spend a little more and get the 313 bhp car rather than the 296bhp. What are peoples thoughts on this , are they worth spending another 1500 on ? I am looking at 06 plate zeds which all seem to be around 15k with 20-30k miles on, if i bought one of these i would want an exhaust and remap to try and get a few more bhp out of it, but would i be better off getting a 313 and just stick some pop chargers on there for a bit of extra noise ( as i do love the sound of them ! ) Pros for the 06 would be - Less to buy- could mod as would be out of warrenty
Cons for 06 would be - No warrenty- a little older- less power
07 plate pros- warrenty-more power
07 plate cons - more money
What do people think ? Also the car will only be doing 2-4k a year, cheer for your help