Hi everyone I am looking at getting a exhaust for my zed....... i spoke to abbey motorsport today as i want to get a remap after the exhaust is fitted. Very helpfull indeed, spoke to mark and told him my plans. I was thinking of just a scorpion system, as i just want to hear the v6 a little more. His thought were to not get a scorpion but a xyz pipe, at around the £400 mark. The trouble is i dont think i can justify spending that amount on that. I know it would be very good quality but i am pretty skint at the moment ! I was wandering if i could get a custom y pipe and desilenced mid section made up and leave the back box on? What would this sound like? and what would be the best bore for the pipes to be?........ What is the standard exhaust bore and does this differ from say a japspeed ypipe or xyz one? Thanks for your help