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Everything posted by bodyboarder

  1. Bougtht some zed side bagdes off a member on here and they car with the carbon fiber covers on them. I dont really want to go down the carbon route as i will end up spending mega money, so the first person to say " Ya baby ya ill take them for free" gets the covers for free.
  2. Well after nissan having my car for 3 weeks to sort the gearbox noises out, i have it back....... and it makes all the same noises I have had enough worying about it, i guess its just one of those zed traits! Oh well if gets any worse into nissan it will it will go again Hope you are getting sorted with your problems.
  3. Thanks everyone, now i know i can get rid of that ugly bose and get my ipod in! Great
  4. Ah good to know, thanks What screen would you recommend? All i am interested in is ipod control, not that worried about anything else. What leads will i need ...... links please people as i am tard! What about the plastic surround, need one?
  5. So with a few leads i should be able to get a double din screen in and working? Just dont like the look of the bose and would really like a full speed ipod stereo
  6. Hi all, just wandering if i could simply fit a double din screen and be able to just get a bose plug to make it work? Will all the speakers,sub and steering controls work? Thanks for your help
  7. You sure they are the monza tailpipes? looking on the blueflame website ( under bespoke exhausts ) and it looks like the fuji more.........
  8. At 21 i had a polo g40, loved that car now im 28 and have a zed! before that i had bmw 330,172 cup, s2000,pug rallye x3, cupra r , fiat coupe 20vt....... i can sort of see why my wife shouts at me when i say im getting a new car
  9. H dude , what tail pipes are those? monza or fuji?
  10. Ya try and not get your heart set on a colour if possible, just get the best car you can for your budget..... i really wanted a GM but ended up with a silver!
  11. Ya sorry dude its - zmanalex- if you look up at the other posts you will find him..... he has a cape on! oh poo on the next page now, look on page one and you will find him
  12. Come on with the review and pics/vid ! I am also interested
  13. Would love to have your thoughts on the exhaust when you have it fitted, in regards to the fitment, build quality and loudness , as it looks like a nice exhaust and a very good price. I had one on my seat ibiza cupra r many years ago and that was really nice. Just a little worried it will be to loud for me with out the mid silencer
  14. Clutch wont be under warrenty , but yes it seems that mosts zeds have a noisy clutch / gearbox . Mine was not that bad but my local nissan dealer are very helpful and have managed to get it all under warrenty for me. As for the clutch sticking to the floor, could be your slave cylinder, but i am not really sure. Pm ZEDMANALEX he was very helpfull and can supply all parts needed alot cheaper than main dealer.
  15. Hope you get it sorted mate, feel for you. As for my noisy gearbox problems, its in at nissan now and has been for 2 weeks replacing all the bearings and reverse gear! Hope it sorts my problems!
  16. Also i have read that they restricted the power to gain better stats for the emmisions and mpg.
  17. Dont really boot it in first its more 2nd gear i put my foot down. Ya but i see what you are saying....... but does someone know how much power is restricted to in 1st 2nd 3rd on the HR cars?
  18. Oh i thought that if my car was 300bhp and i would gain 30% more power in the first three gears that comes to 90 bhp ? I am wrong then?
  19. Ya will need them as well! My idea of a cheap exhaust is going out the window
  20. Ya would be really nice to know. If my car does only have say 70% power in 2nd when i get my remap and exhaust done i should be gaining 90hp more
  21. Ah ok , getting the idea now . Please could you send me a price for the xyz pipe with the race cat, plus fitment and remap all together...... oh and also some hks filters .... could you do a deal on all that lot ? With the above fitted will the exhaust be really loud? Thanks again for your help
  22. Hi all, i have tried to search but was wandering if the 313 zeds are also resticted in 1st 2nd and 3dr , if so by how much in each gear? Thanks for your help
  23. Sorry mark, didnt mean to offend you , as i like to go into buying something with the best available knowledge. As i have said its what i read on the internet, but i know you have alot of experience with the zed, and thank you for your help thus far. As soon as i get the car back from nissan i will be booking it into you. Just read through all the info provided, and just want to clarify some stuff. I know that a remap will improve my overall performance in bhp/torque/drivability, but will putting on just a xyz pipe make it better, its just i cant seem to see anything on the thread about it on a HR engine? or am i just being thick!
  24. Have been doing some research on the xyz pipe and reading the posts from motordyne engineering and it would look like that if you just put the xyz pipe on with the standard exhaust it wont do alot, as the pipe outlet is 3" going into the standard 2.5" exhaust . Swaying to the scorpion again just for a nice subtle sports sound.......
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