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Everything posted by bodyboarder

  1. You must be driving it quite hard, drive the 350 hard and you will only get 200 miles to a tank! Oh thats about £90
  2. Plymouth... bit far from me, but thanks anyway!
  3. My brother run one for 2 years ( on a 54 plate) and he got pretty good mpg out of his. I would say that the zeds are about a 30% worse maybe.
  4. Ya good shout, nice one. Will grab some brembo stickers off you soon dude, just been a little busy!
  5. Looking to do a light tint all round , just so you it makes it a little harder to see the stereo. So around the 200 mark is about right?
  6. So about 250 then? sounds a bit£££££
  7. Ya know what you are saying, what laquer should i put on so as to keep them looking mat?
  8. Hi all, i am getting a new double din screen fitted soon and would like to have light tint on all the windows for a little extra security. Just wandering what i should expect to pay for this? If anyone knows of a good place around southampton area please let me know , cheers
  9. Just sprayed my wheels , spoiler and front section of the bumper all for £30 ! Done it all my self , havent laquered the wheels as i wanted them mat, seems to be ok. Will put some pics up when i get a chance
  10. My brother inlaw had a rx8 but as you have said stupid fuel use and his cat had to be replaced to, didnt seem that quick when i drove it as well.......... yes get a zed. Also if anyone has been reading my posts, i had a blast with my boss today with his 07 s4 cab, the zed done well and would say was slightly quicker!
  11. I just put in £80 and it didnt fill it up! Money well spent i think
  12. On a side note , my boss has just bought a s4 cab on a 07 plate, what are my chances against it?
  13. I would say that was about 60% motorway sat at about 80-90 and the rest on twisties , with a few blasts as well! I have the HR engine , maybe they are better on fuel?
  14. Just been down to cornwall for a few days and managed to get 428 miles out of a tank of fuel in the zed! Very happy with that, and thats a mix of all sorts of roads. Averaged 28.2mpg. Thought i would share this with people.... not sure why
  15. Oh sorry to hear that dude, really hope you get it sorted. Sounds like your noises where/are alot worse than mine. I cant thank nissan in winchester enough , really helpful. I have had all new bearings , input shaft, slave cylinder, reverse gear..... basically a new gearbox! and yet it still sounds exactly the same, just a little rattly.
  16. bodyboarder


    Had mine 2 months now and not done a tank in it yet
  17. Mine cost me 40 a month...... but i cant fit the zed in it!
  18. Could you get the arches rolled and pulled a little, might help?
  19. No just paid some of my mortage off, very boring!
  20. bodyboarder

    my new zed

    I might as well say it befor someone else does...... wheels spacers! Looks really nice though
  21. Well my older bro just gave me 40k so i cant complain
  22. Would love to have loads of sets to give away, but only the the one , sorry
  23. We have a winner Send me your address and i will pop them in the post this week
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