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Everything posted by bodyboarder

  1. bodyboarder


    Hi i have some eibach 20mm one that are pretty much brand new, coming off the car this weekend. Looking for 60 plus postage as they have only covered 400 miles or so
  2. I am getting my blueflame fitted tommorrow , so will let you know what that is like
  3. Well pleased for you dude ...... not the scratch obviously
  4. Also check the little parcel shelf that is connected to the inside of the boot kid. Its screwed in by 2 plastic sdrew that can work loose.
  5. Ya thanks dude, ordered a blue flame
  6. Ya i thought about just leaving a tea towel in the car to drape over the screen
  7. It does look really nice, love white. Thanks again
  8. Wow thanks for all the photos, much appreciated The only thing that really worries me is the security of the units, nearly all of them dont seem to have any!
  9. Looks good mate Think i have made my mind up though. If i am going to change the suspension i really want to get a set of coilovers so that the springs and dampers are matched.
  10. Ya i would not be happy with that either, hope you get it sorted . Thanks for the pics again
  11. Will they all be like that? or just your one?
  12. Looks good, is that a gap at the top? cant really see?
  13. All you with double din screens please put some pics up with them fitted. Looking at geting the alpine ixa-w407 and was wandering what it would look like? Thanks for your help
  14. Nearly! On a side note you got any pics of your double din unit?
  15. That looks really nice Are there any holes behind the rear plate?
  16. Ya couldnt believe that it was still available and only £250- i only wanted to spend £250 on a plate anyway as it is only a bit of plastic!
  17. Cant wait to get my plate on, i got GT 57 ZZZ £250 all in , which i thought was really good!
  18. Neilp - what set up do you have?
  19. Really dont want a hard set up , just want it to sit slightly lower!
  20. Oh poo, not really wanting to go really low! I have 20mm spacers on all round and would want to drop the front 10mm and the back 25-30mm
  21. Ya , maybe i should go for coilovers then. The bc ones look good , would be great to hear from people who have them fitted with regards to ride quality compared to the standard set up.
  22. Has anyone got a good pic of there zed with rays , 20mm spacers and eibach pros on? I would love to lower the zed just a little but am worried that it wont sit right with just springs. Not sure i want to get coilovers as i dont want to change the ride quality. Thanks
  23. Thanks for the info. Does anyone on here sell the plates?
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