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Everything posted by bodyboarder

  1. Just googled varrstoens and they are what i am after, or something that looks like that! Sort me out rare rims
  2. Hi is there any chance of putting up some pics of all the wheels you do that are 19" and the right offset for the zed? As i would love to buy a set of 19" from you Had some wheels off you a couple of years ago for my s2000
  3. While your at it , start making some front carbon splitter
  4. Nice one , might do this at the weekend
  5. I thought they were stainless? Thats pretty bad if its rusted out! Oh good luck , im sure there are a few kicking round though
  6. I think the tuck would make it less noticable as there is more shiney metal to destract your eye
  7. Cant help you mate, but i will be well annoyed if mine doesnt fit well! When i get it! Have you tried doing the bumper tuck so you dont notice as much?
  8. Would like to see the fitted pic Also do you do them for the 06 plus ?
  9. Also alot of people took advantage when the credit crunch hit, everyone was like " crap i better sell now while it is worth something" I did this with my s2000 and someone got a bargain! It also depends on where you live to what people will be selling them for. If its in good nick and you like the car... and to me i have to like the person selling it, as i think you can tell how the car would have been treated if you have a chat to them. On some occasions i have walked away from what looked like a good car because i couldnt stand the person and found it hard to trust them! There are some bargains out there but you have to be willing to settle for the colour/age/milage/condition if you want to get one. I wanted a azure or a Gm but a silver one came up that ticked all the other boxes , so i went for it Just my thoughts though
  10. Hi dude! I have 20/25mm spacers on gloss black rays with gloss black roof with limo tinted rear screen and rear spoiler oh and gloss black front mouth! Soon to have a scorpion and bc coilovers I am in southampton
  11. Ya i would sell- sell me your wheels
  12. bodyboarder

    Am I mad!?

    I like them mate but i dont think they look loads different from your rays...... I am thinking 30mm spacers on the back , roll the arches and lower 30mm.... should look oem but fatty fatty
  13. Attak - i have just wet myself with laughter Ian- a few tweaks All mine has had done is gloss black roof/wheels and 20/25mm spacers
  14. My boss has a s4 cab and we had a blast a few weeks ago and mine was slightly quicker! He was well annoyed Didnt rub it in to much as every weekend its good weather he is on his boat and i get to go big pimpin in the s4 ( although i do look quite gay in it )
  15. Just thought i would share my little story with you all ! We were working for a chap today who owned a really nice Porsche 911 c4s on a 09 plate, and got chatting about cars . I mentioned i had a zed and his eyes lit up and said he owned one when they first came out and was blown away by it, and said he thought they were up there with the Porsche in lots of areas. He really didnt have a bad word to say about it. This bloke was loaded and it was nice to see that he wasnt a snob when it came to cars, just because he can afford a Porsche and i cant he didnt snub me for having a nissan. Any way it made my day to have a great chat with a fellow petrol head and in a few weeks he is bring the car to me to have a full detail done Cant wait !
  16. Adriank- do you have a s2k now?
  17. I paid 16k for my dec 57 gt with sat nav and 18k on the clock....... thought i got a good deal really! Not as good a deal as my dads boss though, he bought a brand new nissan navara and a ex demo 58 plate 350z with everything on it ... both for 30k ! The zed had 6k on it and at the time was only 6 month old
  18. Leave it alone as i have started detailing! I have had 10 years of being a weekend warrior and being ocd about cleaning , thought i might as well start charging for it!
  19. bodyboarder

    New Shoes

    How much did those set you back if you dont mind me asking..... Pm me if you prefer
  20. Trouble with that one it just looks " stuck on" The mines one suits the car better and doesnt look like an after thought
  21. I was after a z4 coupe but for the money i had to spend i could get a 2 year newer better spec zed...... so i did! Only had it 4 months and loving it!
  22. No sorry mate i dont. I got a set of bc coilovers now so will be putting them on in the next couple of weeks. Send me a pm then and i can take you out in mine to see what you think. I went for the bc ones as they have had good reviews on here and the price is very good for what you get
  23. Mine does this also , i was worried about it and nissan kindly rebuilt my gearbox and all new bearings ..... got it back and sound exactly the same! Checked my mates 58 plate one as well and his does it too. Save your money as it sounds to me pretty much all zeds do this
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