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Everything posted by magic84

  1. looks like we could have another show winner
  2. simply stunning. id snap some up if your going to make more.
  3. was just wondering if you have any new designs for the the nismo style knob? loving the the look of it and realy need a new one for the z. i know i want the nismo one with the gear gate on the top but undecided on a graphic if at all. do you do make a stainless steel one thats been heated to have all thoses colours on?
  4. i had a go with an s3 the other day, it was a close call but i could tell if we went for anylonger he had the edge, as it pulling away all the time
  5. must admit the boxster s dose look in person, i love the look of the roof. but being a manual roof .
  6. We get loads of there in at the dealership I work at, there a bag of balls! I drove a mini cooper S works and was severely let down. There always hyped up as being rockets and a blast to drive, I've had more fun watching paint dry
  7. my mate had a cooper s. realy liked the car but it took ages to wind up, and realy didnt seem that eager to go.
  8. id like to go for a supra thats been tuned already. only to scare the hell out my self
  9. to the club mate i will keep an eye out for you in and around bristol nice and clean looking zed
  10. my brother done one not to long ago over bath and loved it . not sure who it was with tho.
  11. brill, find it scary how it moved when that bloke kicked it!!
  12. have you checked the fuse box to make sure water hasnt got in there, from the power washer? id check everything is dry as the power washers tend to blast through seals if used at close range. i may be wrong but its what i do first
  13. haha sounds more like a mini bus than a boat must admit i dont get to go all that often but when i do i love it. just the wake board for me tho. your son will run rings around me
  14. Just water to put extra weight for a bigger wake. Big thank you to all who have looked, now over 200 and he is "well happy" (his quote) Chris ahh very clever, does that make much of a difference? my mates got a boat and ski's ect. at the cotswolds water park. next time i go ill get him to try it.
  15. thats mad, good job. really dont think id have the balls to even pump them up
  16. p.s whats in the barrels on the back? homebrew
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