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Everything posted by tjp8
can anyone send me a link of cookie monsters car ?
lol thankyou everyone for your help
i do understand why people were getting high rate its ok and yes i would also pay the money for the insurance in bulk payment if it was 1k but atm its over 4k but theres a few things i havent tried yet so il see how it goes and if it falls through i suppose i will have to get a bigger golf or rx8 but at the moment its not rely option as i had my heart set on a 350z boo! oh and im a full time steel erector putting up steel framed buildings and ground work 50 hour week basic its gay...
i might give them a ring in a minute actually and see what there doing about this claim because before i never rely had the time to phone coz by the time i get home id be too knackered to give it ago but works not very busy atm so i might just see what i can do and see if i have got any no claims discount left thankyou for your help
yeah i was pulling into a car park and another car hit me and smashed his front bumper off and hes not claiming it was hid fault so its been on going and i have to put it down on my insurance but direct line did say they will take the ammount off my monthly payments when its settled so i dont rely loose anything but its just an inconvenience rely
ok thankyou
What the hell. Are you mental? 9k in 3 years on insurance alone? Why would you do that? And boasting about being on "almost 30k" is nothing to boast about. The only reason you can apparently afford all these cars is because you live at home. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that at your age mind. But hardly something you can call other people poor about because you have more disposable income. You're mental though. Ditch the idea. Ditch the golf, buy and insure a cheap POS, then buy yourself a used 370z in a couple of years with all the money you wont have wasted on nothing. People also called you a troll, because you have a project car, don't know cars, completely **** up the value of a used Z, go to college, have a full time job, and live at 5 different addresses, and your posts are difficult to read! Or something. ahh i see i said i went to college two years to do my nvqs , ive had a project car for years i know a few things about cars coz ive had cars since i was 12 i never ****ed the value of the z up i been lookin on the autoer and yes they have high mileage thust the age im aware of this now so im keeping away someone said something doesnt add up and how can i pay all this and that so i jus said the ammount i was on a year .. not boasting about it its the truth i have a full time job and i live at one adress but my car is insured at my fathers adress as its cheaper and my parents are devorced and u try writing a post with about 5 or 6 people commenting on everything its hard and does get confusing im just a normal guy wanting to buy A car LOL and the 9k on 3 cars is because ive been with directline for 2 years and was with first quote for my first year . my first year when i passed i was 17 my insurance was 2500 in my area then i bought the golf at the end of the year and it went up to 3000 and because i have a claim being sorted this year went up too 3500 pounds, and with direct line they said if ur cars value is over 5k ur insurance is alot higher or something . Number86 just because u have a 350z doesnt mean u know stuff about cars dont try act big dont try act clever im new here im still learning as much as you are ive never said i was richer or poorer than any of you ?? all i wanted to know was if people under the ages of 25 could help me find ways to work things out as i didnt wanna pay a huge fee i do hope u understand now
thankyou everyone i ment buy the car and have it resprayed a few months later when ive saved a bit coz theres a few things id like to do to it and i think most people on the forum can help me out before i have the modifications done , is there anything i should look out for when buying a z ? like common faults ect because when i buy it id like to get these out of the way first lol and yeah vehicle wraps are and option my stepdad is a professional graphic designer and we just started up a graphics business called graffics and he was on about doing my mums fto in carbon or something but not sure if itd look anygood ? has anyone on this forum had a wrap done ?
im not actually sure if i have any no claims anyone so i say no because two years a car hit the back of mine and wont claim it was his fault , thust the its still on going with the insurance company , i was in a courtsy car not my own .. and im sure ive got a way round it now thankyou everyone for your help tjp8
LOL aww i think a white one would look wicked coz u dont see them very much just like the red ones , but i suppose black ones do look rely nice too but i had my heart set on a white one for the last year , will an import cost me more on the insurance ect ? because it may be the case i have to buy a normal one and just have it painted
i dont see how someone can be a clow because they work ? and bocaaarck u aint even got a z so u cant say much to me LOL
yeah and frenzy design is and all that i put the tin roof on with the wool liner and the itchycoo i put that roof on last year i think and neilp i think thats a wicked idea pluss it gives me the chance to prove myself and earn some respect or something
based ? i live in bath mostof the time im in bristol though theres a nice black z in hanham i drive past all the time i duno if there a member on this forum but its very beautiful
yeah timsbury , they have a trading estate ?? i put the roof on those buildings its about 5 mins away from my house
yeah me and my stepdad have started a graphics business called graffix i think it has a website and we actually do do vehical wraps hes doing out fto in carbon i think but i dont think u can get the shinee of the paint i got a idea of what i want it like in my head but i suppose il just have to buy one then build it up
oh in bath im in the ghetto of peasdown LOL i wasnt born there though so i dont have 12 toes ..
did i mention it has to be white but thankyou anyways there so rare though i know il be lookin at 15k anyways coz thats how much the last one i saw was but it was fully kitted and everything on the autotrader , there was also a nice red one on there with dotz hanzo 19s but i dont fancy red too much either im quite fussy lol !
i know there extreamly rare i found one a few months ago with a twin turbo kit and a ful veilside bodykit on a 03 plate i think going for 15k but it was already sold was on the autotrader white is my colour though but my insurance aint getting no cheaper so i suppose i can play the waiting game thankyou
lol im actually from bath but i insure my car in pilton by glastonbury coz its 500 pound cheaper to insure it at my fathers house but i might try insuring it at my friends house in bristol tmro on her mothers insurance or do a multicar yeah i cant help with the spellings too much i never rely liked school too much
helloooooooooooooo everyone heres a few things about myself and what im about my names tj aka tee or teabag im only just 20 years old and ive been wanting a 350z for year now my car history is !! i currently drive a 07 golf and also have a bmw 320i and a corsa which im doing as a project car or demo car for me and my stepdads graffix business ive been with the forum for a few months now and ive enjoyed reading about people cars and all the modifications people have done to there pride and joys , hopefully il be joining everyone next month in having a z because next month i will start lookin to buy but only in white thankyou for accepting me on your forum and i hope we get off to a good start
ive been lookin at some 350zs for a year now ive seen a few for under 10k if needs be i dont mind adding some extra cash but i cant have anything older than 05 rely but thanks for the help il start a new thread thing and hopefully people might understand what im about im a lover not a hater im also sorry to everyone that misunderstood me and il try impove my grammar il do some brain training on my ds
i never ment for it to look like i tryed to boast i just wanted people to know a little bit about me not start a war lol i can understand u lot have people that come on here like blabla bla im guna get a z and all this there just subaru drivers and im not into that i want a z and i wanna be part of the crew usualy u treat people the way u wanna be treated and if u read my posts all ive been is nice and ive tryed explaining my situation to the fullest lol and no i aint got a blue led kit LOL mines green
i dont understand what ive done wrong ?? im on 4 or 5 forums this 350z forum is the only one which has been like this mostly because im new u people think u can bully someone into being someone who hides under a bridge like a troll LOL and yes i will come to these meets and il still be brousing on this forum all the time like i always do dont see why u should slate someone for working hard ? earning there money themselves and not getting there parents to buy stuff for them like most people do i can only do everything for the books and yes buying and selling cars u do need insurance but i only just got the car and its currently insured in my mums name not my own coz its 2500 for me to insure and if im selling it it seems pretty pointless paying this still dont see how ive layed everything out wrong where i come from if u dont ask for help u dont get no help ..
you think ? ive been looking at them alot recently ive seen a fair ammout yes its rare to find one for these prices but they are about