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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. haha ...that certainly looks familiar! I think I spotted the flash but thought it was for the E-Type beside me who was part of our group. Good snapping, put a smile on my face!
  2. Only saw a couple out there with GB plates, pretty rare which was nice! Anyone from here go in the end?
  3. I'll be getting the Ferry from Dover Wednesday morning ...ordering my stickers shortly from here: http://www.hollographics.com/acatalog/L ... ecals.html Convoying with a mixed bunch who have been doing it for nearly 20years with some fun exotics (cars not girls), this'll be the 3rd time for me.
  4. so anyway, the tubing had come apart right below the passenger side wiper as suspected. Removed lots of plastic around that area, also stopping the electrics with the wiper pointing up to get a little more access without needing to take the wiper off. Got access to the tubing, but was a complete pig to stick back together, not what I expected! Needed a 2nd pair of hands to help while using pliars to ease the tubing together. Job done though, thanks to ZMANALEX for the heads up where to look.
  5. thanks for your help, I have a starting point!
  6. You weren't ever on any SEAT forums in the past were you? Knew a guy with the same forum name, small world, never know!
  7. I've spent my lunch break filling in the blanks after browsing for over a year on and off. Bought my Z a year ago after my flatmate had a number of demo's, having worked for a Nissan dealership, fell in love with the car and the sound! Planning to hit Le Mans this year, then sell for a powerful TDI ...so enjoying it while it lasts! :*( Funnily enough, someone popped a note through my door this week saying "I've also got a 350Z round the corner, if you have a problem 2 heads are better than 1 ....etc." and a contact number. Since owning the car, there's a strong sense of community on the road! Be it petrol stations, driving through quiet streets and having someone shout something, stopping and they start chatting about their Z history etc etc. Quite nice, and not too stalkerish lol However, what I'd miss most is the fun you have on greasy roundabouts, wow! I've rambled enough, back to work! Tom
  8. Hi all, I made the mistake of using my washers while a little icey, and think I've dislodged some tubing above the passenger side front wheel. Wondered if anyone else has taken apart that side of the car to (I assume) snap the washer connectors back together? It seems like it's under the battery, or hopefully a little more forward than that, just after a clue where to aim for! Thanks, Tom
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