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Everything posted by Zugara

  1. 3 pics the same Every Avon I have had, have been soft as poo......
  2. Remember that song? Give it away, give it away, give it away now........red hot chillies iirc.....
  3. Nothing.. It's blue, and can't talk, hence it wouldn't ever say a word.
  4. When it goes wrong , big wonga........I am with ur Mrs on this one, Great car in its day, best kept in a museum now though.
  5. Why don't they..... Raise the driving age to 24 Stop these idiots from driving fast ish cars, fit speed restrictions to every car owned by a spotty oik. If caught drink driving, 5 year ban, if caught driving within this time frame after being banned, the rest if the ban time spent behind bars. If caught speeding, ban them for the amount over in years, then the above applies. If involved in accident or cause of, 5 year ban. All novice drivers fall into categories as new motorcyclists, CC restrictions. Failing all of the above, 50 cal bullet in head for driving like a loon.
  6. Mine due on 20th £276.89
  7. This is my lens http://www.jessops.com/online.store/pro ... /show.html I would suggest you use manual focus, set your focal length then move your body back and forth until you get the focus. Check out pixalo web site, great tips on there. Jim.
  8. Mike, great shot of hover fly, shame you missed the eyes being in focus of the red admiral tho. What lens are you using for the macro work?
  9. Who can blame them? Parking spaces these days are so stupidly narrow they just invite damage to your car.
  10. You are either burning glycol....anti freeze.......or you have an animal stuck on your zorst and your cooking it......
  11. May help Ian? http://www.justanswer.com/nissan/5d276- ... rking.html
  12. Discovered that you can swap out the wiper blades on a 370 for £12.00 Just order these parts, refill wiper blades, fit yourself 28895-jf01a 28895-1ea0a Cost a fraction of the price. I was quoted £37 for the drivers side wiper plus vat yesterday.
  13. Air lock? Thermostat getting stuck, but if it was you would expect to see a rise in temp? Fan stat playing up? Bad connection ? Relay sticking on I recon
  14. Thats if you have nails to do that Zugs, unlike myself! If it means being a man try doing it with your teeth instead Haydn Stop biting them then.......or have you no fingers
  15. Mine sounds too the right also, I lubed up everything, to no avail, last thing was the seat belt was fine up until today, now its back, and very annoying indeed.
  16. Will, I have exact same problem mate, I sprayed WD40 in the seat belt buckle, it seemed to cure it for a few days, now its back
  17. No holes, I can confirm this. Be a man, just get your finger nails behind the damm thing and pull it off. Thats how I did it, none of this pussying around with floss, g-strings, hair dryers etc.....
  18. Zugara

    Wide load

    Stats. With spacers the width is wider. Without spacers the width remains factory standard. Simples
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