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Everything posted by Zugara

  1. They are cheap enough in the UK ATM, and prices falling, why bother with Jap imports IMO
  2. Try too avoid going pot holes, this will improve the ride quality no matter what the ride height is......
  3. http://www.courtesyparts.com/97003m-fol ... 5_824_838&
  4. viewtopic.php?f=59&t=61405
  5. A whole new roof from nissan will set you back a whopping 25k You will need to find a soft top roof trimmer, and dont forget the rear glass is part of the roof Have a look in the scrap dealers, they may have pne kicking about, or for the seals. seriously hope you dont have to replace the top....
  6. Zugara

    ITS ON!!....

    Warranties ain't worth the paper they are written on..........IMO, and you can never trust anyone that sells you a car to honour what they say to you when your buying it. Oh yes sir, that's covered under our warranty............. They will always tell you what you want too near.
  7. If you can't be bothered to read the "tyres" and "brakes" threads... then 1. PM Ekona and just say "what are the best tyres for the Zed" 2. PM CS or Zmanalex and say "I need new Disc's and Pads what are the best" I have no doubt you will have your answers forthwith
  8. Sounds like you have a loose loom plug on the back of the instrument cluster to me
  9. Dont forget Annie, the roof in a roaster 350z is considered as trim in Nissans eyes, you may have a battle on your hands. These seals are not cheap. Have you tried some silicone lube on the seals, it helps to plump up the seals. Will370 did get his replaced by Nissan IIRC
  10. Typical of Graham to bring his hand bag and first to be on the Juice....
  11. And don't forget the HKS......Dave, your bestest sounding exhaust ever...but was mine... How I miss that zorst......
  12. Take them off and clean them up yourself, much better satisfaction you will have young skywalker....
  13. I just think it needs a damm good polish, and +1 on Daves comment
  14. Think you will need a pro to to that properly. Nice tyres too
  15. Looks good. Where did you get that stuff from, going to do my front too.
  16. On the you tube clip.....10 seconds in, pause the clip, you will see a goldy coloured cone shaped thing at the top left hand side of the frame. Where the back pipe comes out of the plenum on the left hand side, its just behind that.
  17. Not really, its got FNSH, and the chap wants the cash for his new baby, go and see it then knock another 500 off for a quick sale, as always HPI VIN check etc etc......
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