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Everything posted by Zugara

  1. Or safari on your pc Or Reset IE to defaults
  2. Bet he can let some cracking farts go off....
  3. Im not paranoid, its everybody else I tell you And I always have Mr P to keep me sane, we often sit up till late chatting
  4. There is a 370 wheel on ebay for £799.......
  5. There again, he is more than likely a tw$t.
  6. Remove front bumper, makes life a lot easier. You can use a choco block to connect to the side llight looms, IIRC there isnt much lenght of OEM loom to play with. Easy job 2 hours Max
  7. Service history Click rear axle. Clunks when going over bumps Good set of tyres Clutch biting point. Have a look in the buyers guide
  8. Thats another POS off the road
  9. Told you, you never bloody listen do you 3 2 1....... Back in the room.
  10. Don't care what it's like next weekend, we get 4 days off.
  11. You taken over from coldel
  12. Start again, take it out and do it correctly. And no it shouldn't turn off.
  13. Weren't saying your wasn't shiney, it looks da dogs dangles and a good dangly job done my friend.
  14. My my.... I have told him. You bunch of pussies.....
  15. Zugara

    Please Help

    Hope you get this sorted out,
  16. Go compare viewtopic.php?f=70&t=61689
  17. I had loads of them spiders, burned the lot with my blow torch, bloody things.
  18. Done the house work, cut grass and tidied garden, cleaned polished and vacuumed car, been to b nd q and just destroyed a wasps nest, Now I am tired......
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