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Everything posted by Zugara

  1. Must be the same as Ginsters Shat, and Walls shat, man that food is soo shat its double shat....
  2. I speak for all the forum here and especially those that know him SwanageDave is seriously ill and myself and Lisa wish him a speedy recovery. Great guy, funny as you like and a real diamond gezza. Dave, get well soon mate our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
  3. Surprise surprise there is not a service kit or recon module available for this type.......yet! Cars been sold, Nissan juke on order, collect it sept, so in time for new plate. Fooking VW..... Thanks for all the advice guys....
  4. Codes read, new abs module required circa 2800 plus vat. Test driving a juke, VW not interested in resolving the matter although a known fault from a manufacturing defect......w4nkers IMO.
  5. Strange thing is the ABS works fine, the car comes to a slow stop and not an immediate bite, pedal only starts biting at about 1/2 travel, smash the pedal as hard as I can, abs fires off and car sorts of halts, but not quickly.
  6. Ok, lisas VW beetle is playing up it's an 08 and has started having an array of lights on the dash. ABS and Engine management lights show up randomly and the brake pedal is so soggy. I have fitted new pads and disks all round, new tyres all round but nothing has changed, I have also changed brake fluid and bled the brakes. Checked with an obd scanner for codes, but none showed up. Checked on line for this issue and there seems to be an array of potential issues ranging from the brake pedal switch £8.36, to the ABS control module £2998. Getting the car on the vagcom in the morning to get a real code, if any. So have anyone here got a clue or had similar issues on a VW? Cars only worth 6k so do I shed out nearly 4k inc tyres etc if it's the ABS module or get shot of the damm thing Lisa her bug. Me, I the bug.
  7. I knew that..... Must have had a lock change at some point in the cars history...
  8. D) must have just finished his gardening cos he still got his gardening gloves on
  9. Its proven fake Jim.....get with the program fella
  10. I would suspect that in 5 generations time there wont be a white, black, yellow colour, there will be a one colour race on the planet, then it wont matter where you come from. In fact, it has been professed that the last remaining "original white" persons will be from the Nordic regions of the planet. How strange
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