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Everything posted by Zugara

  1. Should have been you with a mankini on...
  2. Nice Chevette there.
  3. Chavtastic Bob...... No, Very nice.
  4. Move the seats forward a wee bit
  5. Does he need his Abac air compressor serviced.....
  6. Walk on by........song in there somewhere.....
  7. Violence condoned, Sweet....
  8. Who had their car plastered with salt last year? Someone on here I am sure. Lifes little misnomers mate. As said, suck it up, @*!# in their paint bucket and back-at-ya tossers......
  9. It says he may have seen it on his way to Birmingham airport Either way i bet he gets to see it some way No doubt with the wrath of a woman.......man, i would be running for the hills.....
  10. Yes, in what they do and yes you can see them.
  11. Pfff, is he the MOST annoying person you could wish too meet....... ..
  12. Just keep playing with the seat positions, it will get used to you, not the other way round.
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