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Everything posted by Zugara

  1. Never had it, never will waste of money IMO, just like all the rest of the crap they try and palm on you, legal aid recovery blah blah blah.......
  2. Buy some Aircon cleaner, it's just damp mildew smell caused by bacteria within the ac matrix.
  3. Im actually looking for a plc programmer if you're currently looking! Working for a company who supply and maintain assembly machinery to the automotive industry. Thanks for the offer, but I think I have found my place now......
  4. A toaster Ahhhh, now it becomes clear master.......
  5. On what? car, bike, caravan, tractor, skate board etc....
  6. They dont have a smilie with one finger up do they......
  7. Ian, Just a bit of a giggle mate, I love making crap Sigs.....its my forte......
  8. I have worked with and Programmed robots for welding and assembly of body panels. Same as on the Citroen Advert. FANUC ROBOTS. Programmed SCADA systems and SLC5/500 plc programming. Programmed HMI's (human, machine interface) touch screens. Programmed DETO control thyristor driven overhead body cranes. Programmed Radio Binary coding for AGV's. (Auto Guided Vehicles) Small electric fork trucks, side loading, that take information via a radio control and do what they are told and where to go in a factory environment. IE, Go to machine No5, collect a pallet of whatever drop that off at station No 75, collect from etc etc. Programmed sonar safety control systems. Yadda yadda yadda....
  9. dont know, it must be a mystery though, you asked 3 times..... anyone
  10. I only got a wee head........
  11. viewtopic.php?f=22&t=40356&hilit=+Buff+daddy Mine I got from Tim
  12. Pffffff, that's nothing.......£2200 for an ABS module on a VW Beetle....
  13. Buff daddy, pm Tim @ envy
  14. Surley the zorst is earthed through the engine I took mine off and never had any issues
  15. This is better http://dragonsdung.blogspot.co.uk/2008/ ... eaner.html
  16. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Lavor-Whisper-V ... B00837TZK8 There you go Jm...
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