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Everything posted by Zugara

  1. My advice... Only drive upto 699 miles, therefore you won't be driven mad by 700. Buy a lower mileage car, Smile....... Can you not put something behind the switch to make it stand out a bit further? Take it apart and bend the connector up a bit so contact is made when door closes.
  2. Go to Smile, in Hilsea, where the old Citroen garage used to be, that where I take my 370. http://www.smile-servicing.co.uk/
  3. This is my bag.......macro.
  4. I have seen his double ended sausage as well but he says it's not theirs.......
  5. Snow foam to " clean" the car is almost as much use as drying your car with a panty liner IMO. Absolute crap stuff. Although SwanageDave cleanes his chickens with it, and he says it brings them up quite well Yep, you were fished in good nd proper ..........
  6. Depends what you want to achieve mate? Landscapes, macro, stills, animals, sports.....list is endless. Get a good quality tripod, Manfrotto pro and a good mounting head, this will be one of the most important things you can buy. get a polarized filter and a lens clear filter. Polarizing filter makes the sky very blue, but read up on how to use it. Shoot with Av mode that way you control the apature, camera works out the rest for you. If you want to do macro, buy a macro lens for best results. You will take hundreds of shots and only have a few keepers. If doing insects, focus on the eyes, the rest will follow. You will be looking at an f stop around the 11 to 18 mark and an iso if 400. Shutter speeds depending on how dark you want you images, always shoot in RAW never JPEG. use photoshop, adobe lightroom and a great program called Topaz adjust, Topaz is a plug in for Photoshop. Macro Butterfly A topaz adjusted photo. Photo taken at 2200 last saturday.
  7. Go here..... http://www.pixalo.com/community/index.p ... erid=10859
  8. Name these companies FFS....... Beals? Man and Co? Countrywide? Who are they that you speak of? Beals and SBK around this area are really bad. If any landlords here need to talk to Lisa, my Mrs, she will be only happy to help, its Free, but donations appreciated In all honesty, I wouldnt be one, cos I would loose my rag to quickly with the punters, but thats my short fused nature..... Lisa often receives flowers and chocolates on a weekly basis, form happy landlords and tenants alike, the branch she runs has had not one single complaint within the last 6 years, on the lettings side. Landlords actually follow with their properties when she has been moved in the past to another branch. Some are bad, a few are good. As with anything, there will always be a few rotten eggs that spoil it for the rest, in whatever profession.
  9. I dont know if its the correct size for your lens though! make sure it will fit before buying it....
  10. Dont turn the key. FIXED. you owe me £40.......
  11. Do some homework, they are quite well regulated, however if the likes of the "shady lot" dont abide by the rules then there in lies the problem. Oh quick, get out that tar brush......... I dont like the thought of everyone in estate agency being rated as " arseholes" because my wife aint one, regardless of being in this career. And did we forget the Inland revenue? what are they classed as? You cant take your money elsewhere with that lot can you? Try a "professional" estate agency and you may have a refreshing out look on them, pay the fees and get a good service, pay on the cheap get a crap service. My wife is actually in lettings, and if the OP wishes to PM me to ask her a question related to this, she will oblige in a fair, "free," conversation with the OP. She will give the OP all the regulations from the book, and advise her on the best action to take within the law and regulations of lettings. Careful with your words ! My wife is in estate agency and I don't feel that she comes under your ignorant description. Hes hardly insulting your wife though, is he? We all know it, recruitment consultants , used car salesmen and estate agents have the worst reputation and theres generally no smoke without fire. The common theme? None of them need any training and have very little, if any regulation.
  12. Aint no good if you aint done it yourself..... And one of me....
  13. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/58mm-0-21x-Fi ... 333wt_1037 What camera do you have? If you shoot in RAW and not JPEG you have much more control over how to process the final image, where you can add what affect you like. However you will need a good photo editing software to do it. Failing that, I am sure you can buy a "screw on" fish eye adaptor for your current lens. Just a entry level Canon 1100D with standard 18 - 55mm lens and a Sigma 70 - 300mm Did get one of them screw on jobs off eBay but it isn't fisheye enough if you get what I mean
  14. Careful with your words ! My wife is in estate agency and I don't feel that she comes under your ignorant description.
  15. What camera do you have? If you shoot in RAW and not JPEG you have much more control over how to process the final image, where you can add what affect you like. However you will need a good photo editing software to do it. Failing that, I am sure you can buy a "screw on" fish eye adaptor for your current lens.
  16. Jim.......it's Makro for the shop.......Macro for a lens........dumb asss....
  17. Ahh, I have used these and found the vignetting quite bad on the larger magnification ones.
  18. Is that a Dynox lens? Bought a canon macro lens.
  19. I am in hospital and have been since my last spoke to Graham, Basically had a lump of glass cut from my head which was encapuslated in a cyst, about the size of an Almond, the hole left between my skull and skin became infected, causing me to have partial sight loss in my right eye, massive ear canal infection and loss of balance, massive headaches and severe pain on the right side of my face with swelling to boot. Currently i am hoping to be released next wednesday subject to the drugs working and pain relief and for the brown crud to stop discharging from the wound. I dont foresee me being on line much before that. Sorry Jim for missing your face times, as Lisa has mentioned you had called. Please bear with me, I am not feeling my best atm. Lisa has shown me this post on her phone, so thanks Graham and here is why. Chow for now
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