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Everything posted by c-macd

  1. Anyone looking to get rid of one of these? I know I can order it direct from America but thought I would have a look on here first.
  2. There are at least 4 plus another I know of in Troon. I worked in Troon when I got mine and the one there was on the same road as my work. It appeared about a week after I got mine, thinking I had the only one around. I was raging! My sister's mate also bought one a couple of months later but he's since moved to Edinburgh. My facebook profile pic used to be me crouched in front of my car in the exact same layby you took those pics in!
  3. The good old Electric Brae coastal route! It's a great road for a drive. Was it you that flashed and waved me on Friday afternoon outside Ayr Police Station?
  4. Yes Ewan, fair chance that'll be me! I actually live in Coylton but I work in Ayr so my car is about town a lot. I'll keep an eye out for you
  5. Spotted a blue Zed on East Road in Prestwick just after 1 today. Caught a quick glance at the number plate and guessing it was Lottee that I saw.
  6. I'll add you Neil although as you may have seen on my other post I don't play much PS3 and I don't have that game either. I've got GT5 but only played it once and struggled to get into it, maybe get you for a game of that sometime.
  7. I don't play much PS3 anymore, only on there occasionally. Got my Xbox about a month ago and finding the online features far superior so for now I'm definitely favouring it.
  8. Yeah it took me all 12 layers, triangles, rectangles, circles and machetes for the curved edges. This is on Xbox, I have it on PS3 as well but my emblem on there is Homer Simpson!
  9. Not sure if anyone else has done this but I managed to make a pretty slick Zed emblem for my black ops playercard. It looks a little jagged when you see it full size but on the smaller card with the carbon background it looks awesome. It also looks badass on the side of a Spas-12 when you're reloading!
  10. Another prospective Ayrshire owner, good to see! Best of luck with the search.
  11. Go for it, you're down south and I'm in Scotland, the chances of us turning up at the same meet in the same T-shirt are pretty slim!
  12. Just stumbled across this thread so thought I would show off my guitars. I've got 2 acoustics, Eko ranger 12, which my dad bought in 1972 or thereabouts, and a Takamine electro acoustic. I also have a Hohner electric bass, which I only really play for recording purposes. Below are my electric guitars. At the back, Thinline Telecaster, '69 model with the single coil pickups. Gibson Les Paul Studio and then at the front, my pride and joy (do I love it more than my zed? Tough call!) is my PRS Custom 24 Artist Pack. Sorry for the poorly lit iphone pic. I'm more of a singer than a guitarist actually, I'm decidedly average on the axe. I just purchased myself a Neumann KMS105 microphone if anyone is interested in that kind of thing. It is a beast!
  13. I was shopping in East Kilbride yesterday browsing the sale rack in Debenhams and found this gem of a T-shirt for the princely sum of £6.60! Had to have it.
  14. Hi Lottee, I'm originally from Troon, small world! I live in Coylton now but my folks are still in Troon so I'm back and forward all the time. I'm in a sunset zed, I'll keep an eye out for your azure. Nice choice. Welcome to the forum!
  15. Is there not an option to pay in person at a fixed penalty office? It's been a while since I had to pay one but the last time I'm sure I just turned up with my licence, they handwrote the offence on it, I paid the fine and that was that. Only took 5 minutes. Hope you get it sorted.
  16. I agree with the other guys about wedding photography. If it's what you love to do then go for it. It's also something you could maybe do on the side for a while to see if you enjoy it. I play in a wedding band and I can tell you first hand that it's a great way to make money. I have a full time job as well but I make far more money from a few hours with the band than I do working all week. Three years ago we did 2 weddings and we've built it to 35 this year. The difficulty is getting started because weddings are booked so far in advance and people tend to go with recommendations. Once you're underway though and word of mouth gets around the offers come flooding in if you're good at what you do. Whatever you decide to do, good luck
  17. I used to run a multi media pub quiz using powerpoint, best advice I could give you is just to play around with it until you find what works best for your requirements. I incorporated animations, video and audio into my quizzes but for an interview you're more likely to be about charts and graphs I would think. Use google and youtube for tutorials and as nixy says if there's anything in particular you're stuck with post it up here and we'll do our best to help.
  18. Contains bad language - NSFW If any of you out there are as sad as me and waste time on youtube watching other people play video games for tips then you may have seen this guy. I accidentally came across his videos and I'm now convinced he's the funniest guy on youtube. Be warned...there's plenty of explicit language and you don't really get many tips...other than how to deal with spawning on the wrong side of the map!
  19. That looks dynamite! I have a sudden urge to paint my car liquid yellow!
  20. Brilliant story...Sounds like you had an adventurous trip!
  21. How high was that guy?!?!? The remix was really well put together!
  22. Hahahahaha "Hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husband cos they rapin' everybody out here!" What a line... Almost as funny as And then the remix... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_rE0RzrFY8
  23. Looking forward to seeing the finished results in a week or so...looks great!
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