Recently I've been getting the itch again to get back into tracking and racing around in a little cheapo that's been modified to go like stink. I was visiting some friends and they had their 205's with Mi16 engines, and Renault GT turbo's out at the weekend.
The feeling of being in a wee stripped out rattling box, roaring along stinking of petrol and breaking my back with every pot hole appeals to me again now that I have the choice of the Zed as my daily driver and for reliability. However when I used to own my Sunny GTIR, it was my only car and I pay'd the local tuner to fix it for me every time, which was costly and taught me nothing.
What I'm wanting to know is: is it difficult to learn the necessity's to strip/modify/rebuild your own engine? or even do the average engine job? I'm pretty good with my hands, and have tackled the odd clutch master cylinder now and then but I've always feared touching an engine.
My expertise are in IT so if only I could transfer the same problem solving skills to mechanics, I'm hoping I could manage it?
Anyone else out there that's IT based but turned their hands to modding and managed to pull it off? Or could even recommend me a decent book to read etc?
Thanks in advance!