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Everything posted by maz0

  1. +1 Im loving it, its time we started to catch up with those yanks! it seems like your the odd one out over there if you DON'T have FI!
  2. I wouldn't worry to much to be honest mate, Crail isn't the best judge for 1/4 times, its surface is a mess and there's debate about it being inclined. It's more like a back yard strip than anything. Get yourself mapped then go to a decent strip
  3. Cheers for the service an cheers for the guide mate, its guys like yourself that make owner clubs good.
  4. Never knew the sunburst could look that good.
  5. Screen reflection would be a worry of mine also, I'll keep my eyes on this thread, please give us some build pics, as it will help out quite a lot when doing my own!
  6. I will be making a car pc install my self soon, on mega budget. Plan to do it with bits and pieces laying around. My biggest worry is going to be cooling, where do you plan to house it, and what case materials are you using? Keep us updated!
  7. Congrats mate, really impressive. Will be nice to see some vids of it.
  8. Geezo, jump in at the deep end mate! This was exactly what I was thinking mate, Its far easier for me to store an engine at the moment in my shed, and work on it. If it all goes to pot and I cant manage it then fair enough its only an engine, sell it on. Rather than having a car sit in my drive for several months and being a nuisance if I don't get the engine sorted. I was thinking of a mini like you said, I hear those are quite simple to work on. Hows the 5 doing these days? my friend has a Raider but its completely standard, and even its nippy as hell!
  9. Its an interesting debate that point. I mean you would think that in this day and age the UK would be a safe bet from invasion and the likes, and that most situations could be resolved through diplomacy. However with the likes of the Falklands in the past, and also what appeared to be happening again recently, it would seem that we do need some 'show of force' to keep ourselves safe. Hell it was only in march that we had Russian bombers intercepted around our fly zones, probing us, 1 instance of apparently 20 since 2009. I think we are wasting our time in the middle east. There's a difference between making war and having a strong defence to prevent it. It would seem in this day and age, the military force is a must.
  10. Colosseum was my favourite too The Vatican was a nice tour, but it kind of made me angry to think of all the corruption that went into its splendour. Marble pillars as high as 4 story buildings and everything gold encrusted, but ah well. The Sistine chapel is amazing with the creation of man painting, although when you see it for real, its kinda tiny! Make sure you snap your pictures quickly cos the security get p'd off When you get off the plane, don't take a taxi!! their con men who charge about 70 euro to get you into the city, when in fact its about 15 Euro trip, and there's plenty of bus's going there and back. Mind and show us the pictures
  11. That sounds like labour spin doctor talk to me I've never voted in my life! I don't really give a hoot about political parties to be honest, their all just a bunch of crooks as proven last year with the expense claims. But I do often think of the points Zedrush brought up, and it would seem like the majority of them really have no alternatives without unfolding another 20 problems!
  12. Haha, interesting thoughts, but each one of those 20 little points would branch into another 50 little problems which ultimately are the case of why things are the way they are, which is probably the best way. Its easy to point the finger at these things from our perspective but it would be a lot different when the sword of damocles is over your head I really wish it were that simple though.
  13. Here you go bud viewtopic.php?f=107&t=33920 Thanks Neil
  14. Look amazing mate, nice to see what can be done with a GM. I think I will probably go down this route myself! Mind if I ask how much a set of rims like these set you back?
  15. maz0


    Been saved a few times my self like that, you almost wanna go back and buy them a box of chocolates!
  16. Have fun mate, let us know if the new ride is worth the journey
  17. I'm stuck in the same boat just now as well. I think (personally) its a little bit more difficult to spruce up a GM colour car. There's a very fine line with it between nice and classes and tacky and chavvy. I agree the smoked chrome should look lovely. Keep us updated.
  18. Nice one, cheers for the excellent write-up. All i hear is good things about this company. Hope to use them in the future my self
  19. Cheers mods and well spotted Husky, your keen nose comes in handy for sniffing out messy dealings
  20. he he, I'm sure it was more man hours 'free' in that build though then a 400k racer would have in it. Either way amazing ... I'd go havos on a 318... where do we sign up for the 5 years of rally practice and where do we get all the mechanicall skills? I don't do maps so you can read and I'll drive I was looking into this a few years back, as my brother is quite a talented race driver. I planned on buying a semi decent old race car and hopefully taking part in some events, but never got round to it due to the amount of paper work and start up fee's required. I'm now re-considering!
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