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Everything posted by maz0

  1. Whit!! that was the cost of a respray for my old car! Is there something extra difficult about painting a Zed? I just seem to hear nothing but high cost to spray, its like its a premium or something..
  2. Wow, that's crazy! Just another reason why I don't buy new :S
  3. This should tide me over until The Strain part 2 comes out. Cheers mate
  4. Ooft, don't jump in at the deep end mate? You might find there are some worth while books out there. From the afghan/iraq war, there has been a ton of books written from the soldiers POV. They usually have small sections on loosing a pal etc, I don't know off the top of my head if there are any books written from the family at home/girlfriend point of view, but I can imagine there would be, since so much literature has come from that conflict.
  5. Wow, so much FI going on here, its getting crazy. Would be nice to maybe see one thread of all peoples FI builds and their costings, it would perhaps help people considering this route see how much it costs in the long run for kit and extras. Andlid, this link to my350z setup is interesting, please keep us updated if your considering this route!
  6. maz0

    Top Secret!

    D0rzi is that your Zed in the avatar? if so, any larger pics? looks sweet
  7. Lovely Jay, Although I think it would look better sprayed with same colour as the rest of the body. The current black bits are nice high lights to the car, with the black bonnet though its a bit half black half silver, which I dunno if I like. which colour is the dominant one? Hmm I dunno...nice bulge tho
  8. It does come across quite pricey at first, but I'm looking at it as a premium I'm paying for the best in the business mate. Also it will save you the addition of several hundred miles on your clock, and you can sleep in your own bed at night. It's not that bad a price considering eh? Not to mention you wont have to deal with your brother beasting you in his Porsche
  9. Voted, Looks like its going to be a case of 'whos got the biggest owners club' tho!
  10. Try here, http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=15928 Oh, and welcome mate
  11. Erm... it actually says Rays on the wheels... not exactly rocket science Your nice!
  12. Holy crap! all that for an advert
  13. Probably felt cheeky asking when he was getting the car for free
  14. Sounds like it got ugly, but at least you got it off your chest. It would have probably p'd you off for weeks. So umm...now what?
  15. Would have preferred it with the mini bar!
  16. Im with you on that one
  17. How much do you expect to get? Just curious as to the difference between the HKS and Vortech. And don't lie, power IS everything
  18. Like I've said before, your bloody good at your job mate
  19. very well taken pics, lovely looking zed mate
  20. Aye sounds like a right jobsworth, glad I don't have to deal with folk like that in my work, there's only 5 of us in the lab and we all get on pretty well. It's not unusual for the manager to even have a jibe at me for being on this forum, usually something along the lines of 'can you check over this report, oh no you cant cos your on that 350 forum, oooh show me your 350', rubs his crotch, shakes head and walks away.
  21. You leave yours alone!! looked freakin awsom on Sunday
  22. Guy sounds like a ****, set up a proxy at home or use an online website tunnel, if your worried about getting further caught, you could set up an ecrypted connection using swissvpn or ping tunnel. Id confront him, ask him if he mentiond anything to the manager, if he denies just say some nasty b***** grassed you and your going to speak to managment about it, and when you find out who it was then blah blah, watch him gulp
  23. ooh dear, that leather would majorly p*** me off! hope you get this sorted.
  24. Agree, I think they make their living from buying thrashed scoobys and tacky corsa's from neds. Not to say this one is bad of course, but I would be wary of them.
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