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Everything posted by maz0

  1. Muddy I was also the same regarding legs, but I decided to totally reshape my workouts and make my legs the priority in my goals which helped a lot. I was generally always 5 days a week at the gym, and 5th day was legs and lower back. If I could only make it 4 days that week then legs were forgotten, which I come to realise now was such a waste. Once I made legs my priority I have to admit that Squats + Deadlifts seriously revolutionised my training, between the two of them, they pretty much use every other muscle as a secondary or stability muscle, and not to mention the hard use of the glutes, quads and hamstrings, which apparently helps promote testosterone production in the body.
  2. Is that those vibrating plates you stand on? Their quite popular in my gym but I've never tried them. End result then? Go on... That's always been my biggest difficulty, getting larger without lots of fat, and getting leaner without loosing muscle. Ultimately I've went from 11.5 stones to 13.5 stones while maintaining over all body fat at around 12% which disheartened me and gave me the push to take a break. How are you managing it? Go on mate, do share. I doubt its anything I haven't tried in the past, I once tried a bulking diet, which revolved around big mac's! I must admit though I put on quite a lot of size, and strength increased, but I felt sluggish and got awfully spotty.
  3. Just curious if any of you are into weight training and the likes, as it seems to be a popular thing these days. A lot of chat about martial arts recently and I over heard some folk discussing it on a recent meet If you are into it, How long have you been? What's your goals, personal fitness, competition, sports? Maybe we can share some tips on dieting and training styles. Personally I've trained serious for about 3 years (personal fitness only), but recently taken a break for several months because of other priorities, but I'm itching to get back into it.
  4. I'm pretty sure it does. I think I read that it removes the need for the d2 throttle controller thingy bob
  5. Her heads about to fall off, and that accent...ugh! At least get a white back drop, or front drop in fact, hide her face.
  6. Good price IMO, Without industrial tools I reckon that would take several hours. @£100inc postage, the guys barely breaking a tenner an hour. Nice to see someone making an effort
  7. Happens with me every time, and with most previous cars as well, fuel vapour being released is it not? Just put your cigarette out before opening it
  8. Just what I needed as well, cheers man
  9. Surely you have better things to do than go on a personal hate campaign against Nissan? Can't you just get on with life? I'm sure you've wasted enough time over it already.
  10. Nice one mate, more details the better
  11. Forgot I have a Tamiya Madcap as well, my first car! Its a right sod finding somewhere good to take my car these days. Tesco's in 24hr, and all the good industrial estates have 24/7 security yeah mate, its a real pain, that's why I tried visiting the local club, they had access to a primary school gym and made a race track on the gym hall floor.
  12. Got a Schumacher Cougar 2000, and a Cat 2000 just took them out the attic recently, bought some brushless motors and new batteries! Went to a an 'old RC' race meet (weekly held event). Never met so many anti-social snot nosed geeks in my life, nobody could hold a conversation, I think I scared 3 of them away by saying hello. I'll stick to the local Asda carpark at night time
  13. Usually get decent MPG on the motorway when visiting the girlfriend, however I've noticed that when I'm in the motorway 40mph restriction (road works), and I leave it in 6th, cruise control, about 43mph, after a few miles it gets to about 40-42MPG. Is this right? surely 6th gear is too high a ratio to drive at 40mph?
  14. My plan is to ultimately own one of those cars, absolute favourite of mine.
  15. Had Quaife internals put in my old Pulsar box, it was 3k for replacment cogs, bearings & forks being transplanted into same box! So for a Zed, times that by ....10?
  16. Next time hes under your car, run outside, start it up and wheel spin it. That'l fill his pants and be the last time you find him under there.
  17. Unlucky Vik, Where did you order from, I think I need one!
  18. Moved from n95 to IPhone several months ago. Haven't ever used a phone as good as this for Internet browsing and general emails etc. It leaves the nokia for dead with regards to speed and smoothness. camera sucks tho, but more than makes up for that.
  19. Why slotted? If I remember correctly, when I was buying BBK a few years ago, drilled was for cooling, and grooved for removing contaminants, I think it mentioned that ultimately both these perks in brake discs were used on race cars which would dispose of their discs after one or two races. These perks on a road car give more probability of hair line cracks or fractures. So I guess its worth considering that if your going to do 1 or 2 track days a year, and do your majority of driving on normal roads, then new disc's, nice big ones, will be sufficient without the perks, and also cheaper...
  20. Deary me, back to wheels!, cheers Vik, I was gonna be looking in the next few months my self. Plenum spacer is priority first tho!
  21. What I don't understand is why he didn't walk to the car behind him and ask for a penny? Obviously the employee's wouldn't give it, cos their jobsworths, but I've been helped a few times by members of public
  22. What a load of crap over nothing, the media are so pathetic to be honest :/ he's still a dummy for leaving his mic on though.
  23. Are your whole family sponsored by porsche? your sister has one as well doesnt she?
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