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Everything posted by maz0

  1. showeth thou Ignore the whole pregnant thing, but she's Spanish so that's hot too.
  2. On another note, nick clegg well has the hottest wife. If it meant she was on the telly more often then I hope they win something!
  3. Aren't nick clegg and brown best buds? From the debates it came across that clegg and cameron really couldn't stand each other.
  4. Golden Brown will be back
  5. Amuse with the amuse diffuser Cheers mate.
  6. not all that good when he let the banks do what the hell they liked though... Ultimately, little do people know, but its the banks that control the governments, not the governments controlling the banks
  7. Tories have a stigma, and you just need to ask your granny who she wants to win, and she says 'i hope its not them bloody tories, they brought in poll tax'. I think its this simple contempt people have for them that will keep them voting labour. I think Browns taken a beating this past year because of the recession, which isn't entirely his fault, the guy is actually bloody good at financial dealings, in fact he's the reason why Britains growing stronger, at a time when greece, spain, ireland and italy are all going bankrupt, france and germany have higher unemployment than us and this guys to thank.
  8. Whats the body on that white one guys? Looks pretty clean, very nice.
  9. Mate, try and get a copy, its a good documentary about steroids and the false press surrounding them, the guy goes on a sort of quest to all sorts of doctors and politicians, scientists etc and tries to find any actual physical proof/studies/reports where steroids are bad for you. I think in the end he comes to the conclusion more folk die every year from death by peanuts than steroids. Valentino is in it for about 5 minutes, but the guys a ****.
  10. Just need to find the time mate, I start work at 8am, and usually finish around 4pm. But the gym is always packed from 4pm-8pm with folk, so I started getting up at 6am, which was really difficult at first, cos I'm the world's worst at getting up in the morning. I found it really brightened up my days, going into work after a workout and shower, feeling ready to go, instead of falling in with my eyes still crusty. Have to go to bed at around 10:30 at night but that's not so bad. Plus early morning the gyms empty, you have every machine to yourself Just need to find what works for you!
  11. Somebody been watching Zeitgeist?
  12. Imagine you on them Jay! Be like a bull dog, Jonah Lomu but shorter
  13. That's something I was considering looking into seriously for the next time I go back to the gym.
  14. Everyone in my office came out BNP as well with that site. If a party was too come out with some of the policies that the BNP have, without the racial undertones or criminal background, then I think they could have a good chance at winning over the public.
  15. Apparently im BNP aswell from that wee match site,
  16. Was just about to say as well, how much better can the K-sport BBK be than the standard Brembo's. I mean what would be the price difference of a K-sport BBK, and Brembo BBK? prolly a grand or 2? So does performance of standard Brembos equal performance of K-sport BBK? if that makes sense!
  17. Don't vote Tories then Nothing personal taken bud
  18. Not to mention excess protein will be used as fat, a slow drip will be better than big waves.
  19. I personally don't vote for religious reasons. Why should I legally be made too? Of all the hundreds of styles of government tried through the ages, none of them have ever brought true peace and justice to their country. What we have with democracy isn't working, its only the best of a bad bunch. Politicians for centuries have always been known to be corrupt, and this was proven even more so with the expenses scandal of late, and that was only the ones that where caught. We will never fully know the corruption these people get away with behind closed doors, and we are nothing but lied too and used by them. So no, I don't want to vote for these criminals in suits, or show them that I support them. And our previous generations didn't fight a war so we could vote, they fought a war because of a crazed lunatic who had dreams of world domination (another politician). My grandad got put in jail in that war, because he didn't want to shoot another human being, how bad of him eh? We'r all just the peons of this society trying to get along, I almost think its a slap in the face that we'r asked to show them support.
  20. Ha, my gyms full of seagulls mate! And Turkish get ups! I love getting my friends to do one when they talk about how strong they are and how much they go to the gym. They all struggle with a small weight cos their so used to machines, they have no stability, but it teaches them a lesson about their core, and not to just build the show off muscles. I'm sure I read some where that in the old days, early 1900, if you walked into a strong man gym and asked to train, they told you to come back when you could do a 50KG turkish get up, as it was a sign of dedication and perseverance.
  21. It would be best to really take the extra effort and do it all mate, you really don't want to look like a seagull. As I've said in a previous post, its well known that working the largest body muscles (legs/glutes) promote human growth hormone and testosterone, which helps grow biceps, chest etc in the long run. Google around and try to understand the concepts behind routines, and perhaps take a look at Madcows 5x5 Beginners routine.
  22. Tories cut my school milk! And Labour aren't too blame for our economic crisis, we are, the people who took out the loans, and the banks who allowed us too. (not you and me personally but society etc). Labour are attempting to dig the country out the hole as best they can, and I can only imagine the Tories will as well, but slower, while skimming a little bit off the top for the upper-class
  23. Does anyone here who uses supplements, hate the whole supplement ideology? (no offense D13vyl ) I mean I've tried loads, from many different brands, and they all tell me that I -need- their lean rip toning [enter extra long scientific name], talking to me like I'm a complete idiot. Plus the fact their all 'propriety blends' i.e. we aint telling you what the hells in it. After seeing the film Bigger Stronger Faster (worth the watch), I crapped my self because the guy created his own supplement company in his kitchen and it was all above board and legal. How much of the protein do you use, is 100% genuine, un-mixed, un-cut?, same with other supplements.
  24. Not voting my self. Who would I prefer wins? Probably Labour again. It's pretty much a 2 horse race between Labour and Tories, and although things aren't brilliant now, I do think they are tolerable. Ultimately with politics, no party is going to make your life amazing, so tolerable is as good as it gets. If Tories get in, will they make it tolerable or worse? Who know's, but from past experience, most likely worse. But personally I wouldn't waste the time going to the polling office for these criminals.
  25. Ooft, I hope this thread stays pic free then. Got more than I bargained for on page 3 there.
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