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Everything posted by maz0

  1. It will be interesting, but at the end of the day, do you think things will get better regardless of who comes into power? Call me pessimistic, but I don't
  2. I had to promise mine she could get her nails done on Saturday while I get my wax on wax off cleaning the car. There are ways mate
  3. He inherited the job from Tony Blair... He did a slap up job of selling gold at an all time low - by the current gold rate, he cost the country £12 Billion. Yet he has the audacity to bang on about £6 billion in cuts that the Tories plan on being the wrst possible thing for the country. Short and selective memory Brown has.. Begger's cant be choosers. The gold was sold because we had too. This is an international recession btw, and we are actually doing not bad in relation to the rest of the world. He didn't have the luxury of waiting on the gold rate to get better and thanks to him we don't have China banging on the doors of Westminster asking for their debt to be paid off or the country handed over. There's 1 other country in more debt to China than us, and that's America. I keep saying this, that Brown isn't an estate agent, he didn't sell houses to all the idiots out there that couldn't pay for it. Greed is the reason this country suffered. Greed from the banks and greed from the civilians for wanting more than they had the means to pay for. Yes he allowed the banks to offer 110% mortgages but I'm sure you realise the banks have more power than the governments of this world. In fact you should write Gordon Brown a letter of thanks for selling your gold when he did, because this country should technically have hit rock bottom. I don't know if the Tory's will do better, or the lib dems will. I just know the pounding Brown takes is rather unjustified. Britain's to blame, not him.
  4. Man inherently has a sense of spirituality. Like you say about the Incas, the Egyptians, the oldest civilizations in the world. All of them seemed to have been drawn towards a religion at some point or a system of higher belief. It's because we ask questions. And its in our nature to question, where did I come from? Why am I here? This has typically led most nations to construct a sense of religion to fit those questions, which is what the Incas and similar civilizations did with the worshipping of the sun etc. By the principles of evolution theory, survival of the fittest. We should be leaving disabled people to die, promoting eugenics, something which Hitler tried by the sterilization of thousands of homosexuals, un-educated and handicapped people. To the rest of the world, this was seen as abhorrent. But why? Survival of the fittest promotes removing the weak from the gene pool. It's abhorrent because we are born with the ability to show compassion, love, mercy. Intangible forces of the world which evolution cannot put a scientific finger on. There's too much logic for me in believing in God. I experience so many amazing things, taste fine food and drink, enjoy breathtaking scenery, I've got hands that can put parts of the smallest watch together, or smash down a brick wall. Coincidence, or Intelligent design? By asking my self the questions Why am I here, Where did I come from, with religion I can at least answer that I have a purpose, I'm designed with a purpose physically, and designed with a purpose spiritually. An evolutionist would answer to these that you are simply an organic substance, organic matter with electric pulses and chemicals flowing through you. The organic matter will experience positive or negative impulses based on actions throughout growth such as touching fire, ouch, don't touch fire again. I was happy when I ate a yellow melon once, so I like the colour yellow now. Learning through actions. But this could not answer the intangible forces mentioned earlier such as love, mercy, compassion. Evolution neither answers why I'm here, or where I came from. It gives me no logical answers for my existence and I just can't choose to accept it personally. Stephen fry once said, why is it everything man made is depressing eventually. In the 80's you got the brown wall paper and the orange carpets, at the time they were the coolest of the cool. Man made and you felt good, hip and happy. Fast forward 20 years and the browns now depressing looking, even old furniture looks weathered and depressing. But interestingly enough, no matter what time of your life if you look out of the window, a sunset or a tree in full bloom in summer amidst a lovely garden, will never be depressing. Coincidence? or an inbuilt appreciation? Food for thought
  5. Damn right, most folk who slag him dont know F all, europes going bankrupt around us and we are coming out of a recession on the UP an its thanks to Brown. The guy was good, but people are just looking for a scape goat.
  6. Slightly, but still a beastly car Unless that includes the plate also
  7. Yes, but I am away just about every weekend playing in various pool tournaments so when it comes to things like this I like to try and make up for it a little bit. In other words, a big sook. I'll need to meet up with you mate, an show you how its done! Pool I mean, not sooking
  8. 25 myself, had the zed a few months now.
  9. How are you guys brains even working at this time in the morning? Far too early to discuss evolution an creationism!
  10. What's the case regarding passengers with this event Stew? Are they covered by the car ticket, or will they incur a charge of £20 at the gate? Thanks
  11. WD are a safe make bud, an the price seem's good too. Dont worry yourself about cache or spin speed if its just for music back up etc. Also double check the warranty length but i think Wd's is decent.
  12. maz0

    My matt orange zed

    Now you can play real life GTA, steal cars drive them into garages for a quick wrap and loose all the heat!
  13. If clegg goes with cameron it will be a sit down an shutup deal, the core of the torys is still hard core thatcherites who cant stand lib dems. if he goes labour he could get electoral reform easily, something lib dems have wanted for 90 years. lets see wat happens!
  14. maz0

    My matt orange zed

    I will with hold judgement until I see it in the flesh. As I have a feeling pictures won't do that justice PM re price inbound.
  15. Looks a lot better than I expected! Cant wait to see it in the flesh at mod live
  16. The universe did not come from "nothing". While speculation of what happened before the Big Bang (itself a theory of course, but again, it has evidence) will probably remain speculation for ever, all the matter in the universe was present at that time. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, thermodynamics is one of the few truths on which we can have absolute confidence. So really, what is it your saying? I mean never mind all the fancy words and Dawking's stuff your reciting, lets just look at the foundation of your theory, something which I feel every theory should have solid before even continuing...I mean come on, look at how much has stemmed from the theory of evolution and its foundation is a mess, it's not like its even got a decent answer, there is none. Energy cannot be created or destroyed? so what are you saying, energy isn't physical? its not real? Of course it had to be created at some point to exist. And ultimately you say the big bang theory will be speculation forever, so your going to go into the next hundred years toting evolution as fact, when your foundation is speculation and has no proof, or even idea how it came about. Doesn't that worry you? Europe's best scientists are using the large hadron collider to understand what happened back in the beginning, but their still using 5 billion euros worth of machinery and there's still hundreds of scientists trying to produce this energy.....your theory is saying it came from nothing? Evolution has far too much research into reptiles legs and the transformation of apes, when really it needs to have a solid foundation before even considering these ideas.
  17. er.......no you haven't. You've been religious since an adult (usually your parents) indoctinated you in to their faith, haven't you? I doubt you are a Muslim and your parents RC or a Baptist and your parents Jewish? Am I wrong? Organised religion is indeed the opium of the masses and the cause of more death and misery for the last 2,000 years than any disease. And let's not get started on those RC priests and their fondness for young boys or the RC Church's tacit support for the killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazis. "Oh, we were whittling some crucifix and didn't notice" Evolution is of course a theory but one that is generally accepted as close to "truth" as any scientific theory. Indeed all theories are "true" until proven otherwise. The most striking "fact" about Christianity, (I assume the OP is a Christian) and a follower of the New Testament, is that the 27 books of the NT were written between AD 90 and AD 300, 90 to 300 years after JC's death (if he ever existed) It was written by a disparate group of individuals transcribing "events" relayed to them verbally. Think of Chinese whispers at a party X infinity and you'll see how "true" the accounts are. Yet 2,000 years later, a small % of the world's population "follow" these scribblings. There is great merit in loving your brother and caring for others but why anybody needs an organisation to tell them how to do this is beyond me. Not really Captain, you don't have to be a mature adult to understand religion or a belief funny enough. I was discussing religion with people on their door steps at the age of five and giving public talks to a congregation by nine, I had a good grasp on my religion back then and I have an even better one now. I wasn't baptised until I was 21. So yeah I was religious since I was born, give or take a few years I'm not a Roman Catholic, but the scandals surrounding any religion and their relation to paedophilia is a weak attack. These men found to be doing such things are evil people, and have taken advantage of a position of trust. The quote of organised religion being the cause of more death and misery over the past 2000 years is pap. There's been more death caused by secular wars in the past few centuries than all the wars of history combined. WW1 & WW2 non-religious. American civil war non-religious. Vietnam war non-religious. The list goes on. To quote Stephen Carter, 'if we are to ban religious sentiment from public life because it has been responsible for so much horror, let us not forget to ban advocacy of freedom or justice as well.' In relation to your last paragraph, have you read the bible before, I mean, more than just a handful of verses? I've never met anyone who attacks the bible to have ever really read it, or studied the bible cannon, or its prophecies or really understood what they were saying, other than just repeating something they heard on Discovery Channel or from a friend. Which of these books are you referring to that are Chinese whispers? Is it the accounts of Mathew Mark Luke & John? Is it the books about Paul's ministry? Timothy's ministry? or is it the letters which Paul wrote to the congregations? Let me know. There is great merit in loving your brother and caring for others I agree, and I think religion has taken a pounding over the last few hundred years because of certain religions abusing the power they have, or teaching false doctrines about fire and hell, its pushed people away and given it a bad name, given God a bad name even, which is ultimately worse than not being a believer at all.
  18. Us gunmetal's are a similar breed!
  19. Mid twenties for me! I enjoyed the earlier years of my life, but I always found them to have restriction. And when I look back now, I think to my self how I could have done things so differently. Right now though, I feel like I've actually became a man, if that makes sense, maybe for others it happened earlier, but now I feel like I know who I am. My restrictions are ones I put on myself, and I don't let some bossy bast** tell me what to do any more. I have the car I've always wanted (bar the f40), a job I really love, and I'm really enjoying life. I don't miss the parties, because personally I was never one for them. Never been posh enough to sip whisky at a round table with the elite of life, but I've never been daft enough to think sleeping around and getting drunk every night was a substantial existence, I've always just enjoyed good company with my drink and in an atmosphere where the music lets me hear the conversation. I don't think it's ever been better. Don't get me wrong, you cant beat coming home from school when your 10, and playing football with your pals. But you still had crap school to go to the next day and you had to come home when your mum told you too! I hope life actually does get better and I'm looking back in 10 years time saying my mid twenties were crap compared to my mid 30's, because then I'll always be enjoying life.
  20. Holy crap, when I seen this thread page, I thought 'trouble' right away! I've never been in an evolution/creation debate, that didn't turn nasty! And secondly, holy crap! Jay's on my side? If I was to point out the evolutionists on the forum, I'd have pegged you right off. But I know where your coming from mate, I've been religious since I was born and its only in the last 10 years that 'every day people' have started to become so interested in evolution as more than a theory, id say even a religion, it has its followers, and it has its bibles (its scientific literatures). Believe it or not, it even has its 'faith'. For instance, we can stand around all day and discuss the bone structure of a whale and why it has a fin bone that's almost a leg bone, but ultimately when you go right back to the big bang, and beyond, evolutions flaw is that nothing can come from nothing (same to creation for a degree, yes). Many evolutionists I've spoken to have argued that this 'nothing' came from vapour gas's in space colliding with electron fields and radiation etc etc, but I then ask where these gases came from, or the electrons, and they will tell me it came from another reaction, and I ask where those ingredients come from until they cannot answer, they reply 'we don't know, but one day we will find out'. That, is a faith, in science and technology to one day deliver answers which we currently don't have. How does creation come from nothing? (how did God come from nothing etc) We'll I believe in God (eek, dont hate). And it does explain there's a difference between heaven and earth etc in the Bible, and these are two completely different realms, and I 'assume' that this other realm called heaven is not governed by the same principles that earth is governed by, it may not have time..can we even fathom a world where time didn't exist? It quite difficult actually. It's differences from our realm may be so different, we could never comprehend them, so who are we to assume they are rubbish just because our simple minds don't understand them? So I have faith, that this is the case, we were created by someone, who is, and always has been, and his own coming about, I cannot fully understand or know the details, but the evidence of his existence, I see all around me. I do believe in evolution, wtf! But in a different sense, I think if a creator was clever, he would create beings with the ability to evolve, which is why our hands callous through heavy use, or we can live in any climate, or animals have adapted to their surroundings. If I were to create a robot, the pinnacle of my ability would be to create a robot which could evolve, better it's self! And I think this has been done with us...stone ages to current day evolution etc. A story which I think is quite an interesting view. There was a Russian astronomer travelling the USA involving himself in university debates on evolution and creation, at one of them he made this comment..'Either there is a God, or there isn't. Both of these possibilities, are frightening....Because if there is a God, then mankind better find out who he is, what he want's and how to live their lives in a way that's pleasing to him, and...If there isn't, then the whole of mankind is on a rock, hurtling through space at 66000 miles per hour, and nobody is in charge!'. I know how you feel in that circumstance Jay, it's unfair to be told your backward and ignorant because you have a different opinion, I've discussed this with many many people and never felt the need to be rude or insulting to them, because if your ever going to win some one over to your side of belief, its not by being rude.
  21. Those medical experts will only give that opinion on hear say an stigma, theres very few factual studies on it's detrimental effects. And the side effects that are found to be bad are usualy caused by idiots who don't make the proper research and do bad cycles without proper post cycle therapy. And to say steroid use makes it easy is waaay wrong. I trained with a user once and his routine was heavier/ harder and far more regimented than mine, when i took a day off, he couldn't. His diet plan was almost twice as much food as i ate and he timed his meals to the minute. He had regular blood checks taken to monitor his test levels and keep an eye on his liver health. He had too, otherwise his injections and drug use was a waste of money and possibly detrimental to his health, he also backed all this up with a cupboard full of vitamins and oils to keep his body well oiled through the heavy training. Yes injecting ur bum is easy, but doing steroids properly is not, id even go as far as saying its harder than being natural.
  22. That's hilarious! Just got my MSA rally starter pack through the door, cant wait!
  23. You on the same network as me?
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