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Everything posted by maz0

  1. Must admit tho, he's the coolest looking 2 year old i've ever seen!
  2. Very much so. I don't know the details, but I believe the owner before chadwick ragged it.
  3. Your forgetting America likes to impose sanctions, and also SK are making a cry for help to the UN. Which moves America's hand in a sense as the over protective big brother of the world. They don't spend several hundred billion a year on their army to let it sit and go stale, they loooove attacking countries, cos then they get to ask for a bigger army budget next year. If America can find an excuse to get in about some NK, then it will, purely because it can, and it's always hated the commy's.
  4. Hope not, would be a shame if some other poor sod got bumped.
  5. Just avoid this one, there's far too many good cars out there to get stung by a dodgy one. There's just to much to worry about. I would have forgotten about it after the response of his first email.
  6. Small update, apparently N.Korea has ordered troops to prepare for war, whilst Obama has ordered US troops in the South to 'ensure readiness'. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/177193/N-Korea-s-1-2m-forces-told-Prepare-for-war
  7. maz0


    Oh dear, The plot thickens!
  8. Hi mate, was using a little orange circular foam pad that came with it. Do you find the damp cloth works well?
  9. I was hoping you wouldn't ask that It was turtle extreme nano wax, and the reason I bought it was because the modified live meet was the next day and it was too late to get anything else! (desperation) I've since bought a liquid type which I will be trying at the weekend, called Clearkote Carnuba wax, which I've had good success with their polish. I'm guessing I should really buy some of this expensive stuff that's for sale on the forum, but I can't afford £40 for wax at the moment.
  10. Sorry for asking a daft question. I've had a look at the guides on detailing world, and here, but can't seem to get a definitive answer, time wise. The reason I ask is because last week I done a snowfoam/rub down/clay/snowfoam/polish/wax. I gave the wax maximum 10 minutes while I worked on the windows, the sun hit the car for a few minutes and when I tried to remove the wax it was solid, like dried plaster, it then proceeded to flake off and covered the car in tiny white dots and I had to strip it all with fairy liquid and start the whole thing again. Sooo I'm a bit scared to do that again and just wondering if you guys apply wax in one hand, and remove it sharpish with the other, or is it a case of 2-5 minutes? Thanks in advance.
  11. Nice one captain, what did you use to clean the exhaust up so shiney? Good job mate
  12. Job = none of their business, social & pleasure only 25 yr old male 2 years no claims +1 driver (mum, never drives it) Sp30 (3points) £610 non protected, 12 months.
  13. I do love white on black! Must admit tho, if I go for a respray, I reckon I'll have to try something different!
  14. maz0


    Sounds like Stephen, or 350z-stephen on here I think
  15. Petrol for me is £150 per month and then all the MOT style options you previously listed. I reckon including the car payments, insurance, maintenance wear + tear... I'm near 500 per month without any mod's.
  16. pick the ball up an punt it off his face, then tell him thats how the zed feels, isnt nice is it? no!
  17. That's pretty much how garages work mate
  18. Did you say chimney? Why not just light the fire...snap crackle an pop!
  19. You work out? Rather have a six pack of beer myself Haha, having a break for a few months, but I'm generally very much into it! Do you tuck that 6 pack of beer under your tshirt? I was wondering if that was your belly or not
  20. Rammstein, Rage against, Slipknot, Korn, Prodigy, Static-x and other similar angry music, if its a heavy set day, such as squats or deadlifts etc. If its a cardio day then, its an Armin Van Buuren trance mix, he has over 400 public radio broadcast mixes, and most of them are amazing. I think the heavy music really helps get me in the mood for lifting heavy, adrenaline boost etc When I get home I'll post up my play list for you to have a gander, maybe give you some ideas!
  21. maz0


    It's this bit I'm wondering about
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