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Posts posted by Demolition49

  1. yes but a speedo will be more accurate at lower speeds because a gps cant keep track of each and every meter so for example


    at 10mph the speedo can be out by 1mph where as a gps might not pick up what your doing... and so on

    20 mph 2mph error

    30mph 3mph error and so on...

    It depends on how often the satnav receives the signals ......... and some speedos don't come off the stop until you're doing 10 mph


    Fair point,


    but hey at the end of the day when you come to a camera just go under the limit not ON the limit and we should all be ok :thumbs: unless you have horribly huge or small wheels!

  2. yes but a speedo will be more accurate at lower speeds because a gps cant keep track of each and every meter so for example


    at 10mph the speedo can be out by 1mph where as a gps might not pick up what your doing... and so on

    20 mph 2mph error

    30mph 3mph error and so on...

  3. IO've got three points - about a year ago for doing 38 in a 0, which under normal circumstances I'd understand, apart from the fact I was about 100 yards from the 50 sign which the coppers were sat underneath just to catch people speeding up before going past the sign.

    To me, that's not making the road safer, that's just making money.


    Cheecky, robbing, lying, bad smelling, turd-face twits.


    +1,000,000 :bang:

  4. Defo the 296 model not 313! Bang him down on price and if you like i can do an HPI check for you for free because i have like 3 free checks as i bought a multi hpi package!


    With your luck that was a good idea. :lol:


    You telling me!


    In the end going with a dealer was the best way to go xD, Safe and a 1 year warranty!

  5. I would like to give a special thanks to andlid for helping me find the right car! :thumbs: i owe you a drink when you are next in england :lol:


    And a special thanks to martinmac for helping me getting a Z aswell i really apprieciate it!


    And not forgetting maxi-glasgow who offered to go and look at a Z for me in scotland! what a man :thumbs:

    And to the rest of the forum for all the great advice you have informed me with and will continue to do so i hope :teeth:

    so excited but down side is have to wait till weds to pick up!

  6. After signing up for membership here on the forums since


    Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:34 am (i wanted a Z way before i signed up aswell)


    It has felt like the longest 5 months ever!


    I was originally going to get a lower spec without up-rev but I decided on waiting and saving up and i am proud to say i will be owning an 06 azure GT pack with rays! She has 1 prev from new with 13k miles on her! The paintwork was spotless i was in shock!


    The dealers got haggled for a 1 year warrantee for free and 2 new rears, and touch up on the stonechips on the bumper! And a full P1 service + valet! On top of this the cubby hole clip that opens up had scratches they are replacing that too!


    Shes soooo beautiful and drives so smoothly i am in :throb::cloud9:


    Here are some crappy photos of her from my iphone:




    EDIT: by the way that is not a dent on the wing its just rain on my camera!


    And second pic you can see my old mans GTR :teeth:

  7. I think in some cases this flat rate of 3 point and 60 quid fine a bit of a joke...


    for example 34mph at 3am and on an open road? Hardly see the harm, use discretion mr policeman and dont get jealous of the nice car :please:

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