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Everything posted by Demolition49

  1. Reasearched the car for a year before buying why read the manual when i know more than most owners do without even having it?!
  2. No anders' date=' it should go in the [b']DOOGLE[/b] map
  3. +1 on that mate i saved for 1 year + sold my old car + 4k loaned off my dad - thats what enabled me to get a newer Z than a few years older! And yep everybody says "is it yours" or something to imply I surely didn't work for that... people think im some kind of spoilt brat who didnt work for it! Which is a bit annoying as i worked so hard for it and suffered for a long time... was quite depressing living on an extreme budget for a year! BUT cant let that get you down too much... fun listening to the purr of the Z and enjoying the drive! Its funny because i choose a nice car that is used and then people go buying a brand new hatchback and say oh you must be rich when actually its just a wise buy! As i say to my friend who now owns a brand new toyota aygo... you could of had a 350z instead of that + would of held its value better, that aygo in a year or 2 will go to half its new value!
  4. Anybody near luton worth going down to get terry to fit your tyres And terry Azures go faster too! Gotta Say thought your Z was looking MINT!
  5. Just got my vredestiens on mate and i have to say they feel so much better... its like a different car TC is much kinder to me! Well worth the money, and dont worry about the fronts you can get those off tyremen, they are the same price and will send next day delivery! They are quieter than the bridgestones/avons setup i had on so its all here
  6. Just Reporting back and id like to say thanks to terry for fitting my tyres, took great care when doing them and was nice to see a different Z, k1 is fecking loud exhaust! Anyways the vredestiens are great! the car feels really different (grippy + quieter) and they still need running in!
  7. I do the exact same Yesterday i was parked up outside a kfc (NOT EATING KFC) and some guy walks up to his car and goes WOW nice car... I go "hehe thanks" Hes like look at my ride! - some 90-somthing corsa... which is fine. So anyway that made me smile!
  8. 99% of the time you see a big scratch down your car its intentional
  9. I dont think its legal to tint your windscreen apart from a strip at the top, your windscreen might have a little green or blue strip at the top to stop the sun getting in your eyes. I think thats what they mean, maybe you can take a pic and e-mail it to them so they know exactly? Hope this helps
  10. Jealous wan**** Hope it comes out
  11. Hello and Good luck with whatever you choose! Consult us first! And this time bloody get one
  12. +1 Just got a set of my own http://www.tyrereviews.co.uk/Tyres_For/Nissan/350z.htm If you look at that link they are 2nd best tyre but then if you look at the prices on camskills they are cheaper than 1st and 3rd and probably others from me although i get mine fitted tomorrow
  13. Or if your like me you sit in your car and chill out for 10 mins while it fully warms up
  14. Why everybody gets a quote and listens to what the stealers say is beyond me... i have heard countless times oh it cant be done blah blah from dealers you need a whole new this and that... when all you need is the right person for the right job... im sure at worst that will cost you 400 squid if you can source the bumper for <200 and possibly it can be repaired which would save you buying a new bumper! I wouldn't go the insurance route... although it does pi** me off you cant even claim on insurance after you pay x amount for however many years! Good luck with fixing this! P.S YAY 350th post!
  15. +1 I decided i wanted a Z before even being in one My dream car is now my car
  16. yeah the GTR is a differnt beast alltogether
  17. Auto glym aqua wax, makes it easier as you dont have to dry the car off fully! saves alot of time!
  18. Just thought id post up a couple of pics after i spent a few hours washing and waxing today! Apologies for iphone pics!
  19. Hmm i dont think thats the right way to do it
  20. Sure, im in SW london so if your willing to come down meet me around SW london i can take you for a spin. Give me a PM
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