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Everything posted by Demolition49

  1. My bad its coulsdon! Both start with a c And yes i had tints done! 5% tint on my old car all around cept windscreen... i think they sub-contract it though They also changed over some light clusters on my old car for me when i didnt know what i was doing, installed new door speakers, subwoofer + amps and everything worked perfect! plus a few other small things i cant remember spent over 3k with them
  2. I have always wanted to work in the healthcare industry and i enjoy fitness/health activities.... physiotherapy seems like the thing for me! Can anybody in the medical/health industry help me? One day i may like to progress to become a heart doctor, is this possible from physiotherapy? Id like some guidance if possible! cheers How is it working in the health industry?
  3. brian car sounds security used them for a few things, they are based in crawley
  4. I have to say i think the 350z has more class than the others... i see a BMW and usually a tit is driving it like an ***-hole! Despite it being a Nissan it still has more class than a BMW, of-course that's my own opinion and people will probably hate that I just said alot of ***holes drive BMW's although they are good cars and well built...
  5. If the front end of the 370z was a bit less fat i think it would look nicer I personally like the new boomerang lights
  6. the car is probably less than what it cost to put that front end on alone...
  7. will be popping in to pound-land me wonders how goods it really is?
  8. So what rpm's are those settings? Each model of the Z should be slightly different no?
  9. good to see your having fun! I need to go on a nice road-trip with my Z!
  10. DIY if you got some rays viewtopic.php?f=35&t=13777&hilit=rays+guide
  11. So i couldnt find any NCAP safety tests etc on the 350Z, just wondering how good the Z is in a crash?
  12. hmm if i have an 06 facelift then it cant be clicky axle? http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/TSB_04-0 ... _Rear_Axle So is it drop links or fuel damper? only happens when i change from like reverse to first and vice versa. and once again anybody know good dealer in london to get the work done?
  13. That sounds like "Clicky Axle" issue See viewtopic.php?f=35&t=15928&hilit=clicky+axle Yeah, prolly need some coppergrease on the pad backing plates. Yeah i thought that much... but what should i tell nissan and where is the best place to go in london to get her done because i dont want the clicky axle problem to come back, id like the uprated axle...
  14. The click begins at 15950 miles! At the moment it only happens when moving off or changing from reverse .... only somtimes and then it doesnt happen when driving etc... its only and 06 with low miles, got an extended warrantee, should i book her in? The brakes are intermittently squeaky when moving and when brakes applied it stops, probably need to grease up the pads? Somtimes when steering there is a tiny squeak - belts need changing maybe? So should i book her in for some warrantee work and if so where is the best place in london to get my Z done? And whats the best things to tell them?
  15. M3, 350Z, Integra imho. But why does this matter, i know what id rather drive home in
  16. Well after a long month + 4 days of being out of the country i found the thing i missed most after my family was my Z, the day i got back jet lagged as hell and only running off 2 hours sleep I took the cover off my Z and took it for a spin, couldn't resist myself and i feel happier about owning the car than when i first bought it! Missed it soooo much
  17. Who qualifies for this change, not quite sure who it applies to ?
  18. SpursMadDave.............54................. 82k bodyboarder..............57................. 19k 350 Russ.................52..................54k Friddela.................04.................101k Clarkie34................06..................23k Ian......................03..................35k ChrisJones6699...........04..................67k MacW.....................54..................89k bigbramble...............05..................37k doogyrev.................07..................33k Wasso....................06..................42k James B..................53..................83k craigo...................05..................25k Beavis...................05..................17k CaptainSensible..........06..................47k Watshot..................57 ................. 3k Zugara...................07..................17k Stretch..................04..................45k Andlid...................03..................42k Goldcrest Four...........06.................. 7k Neilp....................06..................23k Jay......................03..................43k Richt....................56..................16k Daveparkin...............57..................14k RichIOW..................07..................29k DontPanic................54..................73k JetSet...................55...................8k Jerry3167................04..................28k glrnet...................54..................31k Andyzed..................07..................34k Greido...................56..................44k Niko.....................54..................15k Un1eash..................56..................11k geoler...................57..................21k Aust350z.................03..................34k j33p1995.................06..................36k ChrisS...................54..................31k Posidrive................55..................50k BladesGrant..............53..................24k AndWood..................04..................41k neil354..................06..................31k Gibby....................55..................80k Zee......................03..................46k Danny 350z...............06..................25k Anubis...................52..................29k hoffs350z................07..................24k fakeindian...............53..................39k karl922..................07..................52k pimm.....................04..................40k JAMIE MOY................08..................8k mattbowey..............05...................30k kazman....................55..................69K Maccaman................54..................30k Narcotix................04..................47k maz0....................04...................37k Toon Chris.............04...................92k Demolition49..........06....................15.5k
  19. I miss my Z already! So many box like cars in america
  20. 350 zeds run renault engines Wrong mate... 100% nissan engine - stop listening to the rubbish they say on top gear...
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