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The Dr!

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Everything posted by The Dr!

  1. It is a black one, not red. By ex cat C, I meant that it has actually been repaired, but yeah I know what you mean. Surely there won't be any electrical problems once it has been dried out and lubricated?
  2. Hi all, I am looking to buy a 350 and have found a good deal from a private sellar near me. It is a 2005 GT, with only 19823 miles on the clock. The only problem is that is has been registered as a category C. I emailed the owner and he said the problem was as follows; The car was driven through a flooded road and water was sucked into the engine via the air intake. The engine was fully drained and lubricated by an approved garage, new spark plugs etc. A nissan dealer inspected it in full and no faults were found. The repair was done by the previous owner. Current owner has had the car for 9 months and is selling due to moving abroad. Would this be worth touching with a barge pole? What affect might an ex category C have on insurance premium? Is there anything particularly relating to this problem I should be looking/listening for? Thanks in advance.
  3. That's what I thought. I couldn't think of any reason a car like this would price up during the winter, but I thought I would check. Don't want to wait around to then have to buy at an even higher price in the summer.
  4. Hey all. I'm looking at buying a 350 and have been for some time. I know second hand car prices have gone up at the moment, but the prices for a decent 350 seem to have gone up an inordinant amout compared to others. Is there a lot of seasonal price variation with this car that would (for some reason) push the price up during the winter? My original plan was a budget of 10-12K and there were some stormers coming up on my searches during the summer whereas now I have to raise the price to 13/14k to find anything with a decent milage (and not silver!). Is it worth waiting around till summer or is it "bite the bullet" time?
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