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Posts posted by 350ash

  1. Thanks for the tips, although I'm probably less sure now than before I asked...


    It's sounding like most people are happy with what they use so I can't really go wrong.

  2. Cheers, I'll probably go for the red mist tropical then.


    Did look at the supernatural but as I'm new to waxing I figured it wasn't worth spending twice as much. Maybe once I've had the zed for a while longer and worked out what I'm doing when cleaning, waxing it etc then I might consider it!

  3. I've had my car for 6 weeks now and I'm slowly learning more and more about detailing it. My old focus used to see a sponge 2 or 3 times a year but I'll be looking after the zed properly!


    I've spent a long time looking at the detailing section here, reading Polished Bliss and scanning Detailing World but I'm still struggling to decide which wax to use. I've decided to go with a soft Dodo Juice wax but can't decide between the following:

    - Rainforest Rub

    - Light Fantastic

    - Purple haze


    My cars a Gunmetal and I'm thinking that the Purple Haze sounds like it might be good - can anyone with a GM gives me their opinions as it sounds like quite a few of you use Dodo juice products.


    Also, I'll be getting some Dodo juice Red Mist as well, do people recommend the standard red mist or the red mist tropical?



  4. Mine skipped quite a lot when I got the car but at the recent West Midlands meet Keith and Rich told me that if you leave the air con on all the time it helps a lot - it drys out the air and reduces the condensation inside the CD player. I tried it and so far it seems to be working - it's only skipped a couple of times since and even then it was only really briefly.


    Another solution is to use the tape deck, I found some old tapes at the weekend and tried it out, not only has it never skipped but you get to listen to some classic 90s tunes too!

  5. Hmm, managed to do it in a couple of minutes, think I may need to get out more.



















    Range Rover






    XB (Scion)



  6. I agree that drifting with other cars about on a public road isn't a sensible thing to do.


    But the main reason for me posting is that being new here I was really pleased to see that three of the moderators have said that any members caught doing this at a meet will be told to leave. It's good to know the type of club I've joined and after reading this, and attending a West Midlands meet on Sunday, I'm going to be checking I can make the Wales meet and get signed up to it as soon as possible!

  7. Some more good pictures there. I think we probably left the reservoir a bit before 2 o'clock, you must have only just missed us.


    I also like Neil's car, the front bumper especially. It's also an interesting whitey/silver colour too, although it sounds like that may not have been intentional!


    Gav (I knew it was something like that!), your video seems a bit upside down.

  8. Some goods pics Rich! It was good to put some faces to names, even if everyone has a different name on here to in person...


    One of my favourites moments has got to be when people were discussing the lack of a front number plate on Bennetts' car and then player2301 (sorry forgotten your name already!) opened his boot to reveal his police vest, leading Bennett to hurriedly dig out a stick on front plate he was storing in the boot!

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