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Posts posted by 350Chris

  1. The brake pedal sensor will cost you under £15, I would do that before you end up looking at ABS units


    That switch was the cause of my problems - even though a garage charged me to swap the ABS unit!


    My brake lights would still work despite the switch being broken - it was intermittent.


    You can take the switches out (2 just above the pedal) and manually depress them to work out which one is broken. One switch deals with cruise control - so process of illimination to swap the brake one. They have different pin layouts...

  2. Start with the 370z Nismo platform and go from there. There seems little sense in taking a step down from that.


    One of the major reasons that I like the Z range is that it is one of the few cars in the bracket (with the exception of the MX5) that is still mechanical enough to enjoy when doing some spirited driving.


    Sadly, the use of the 4 pot may turn me off of it...particularly when things like the F-Type will still exist with a V engine

  3. Probably cut the wires to the heater, or the motors... :scare:


    easy swop if the seats you are replacing are electric/heated, just use your own connectors


    Depends which side of the connector has gone though


    Appreciate the description - but can you add a picture please


    I will check on a seat that I have - but some airbag wires are a bit like phono or ariel cables and cannot just be re-attached.

  4. Will bear that in mind, thanks.

    I have just located one at a local(ish) Nissan dealer, so will see if I can get a shufty over it this weekend (subject to weather and being given permission) :D

  5. These are on allot of the new gantrys around the newly widened section of the M25 near junction 19-25 (Waltham Abbey/Enfield/Potters Bar/St Albans)


    They are obvious enough to spot provided that you are paying attention


    700 people caught in 2 months really isn't allot when you look at the number of people using that stretch daily

  6. Morning ladies and gents of the 370 Nismo collective!


    I am looking for a local owner that will let me have a look around their car as I assess the potential to trade up from my 350 - I can go to a HPC to look at the Mk2, but I much prefer the asthetics of the Mk1 and I cannot find one to go an see.


    I am happy to drive a bit and provide beer tokens or a bottle of something grapey for a willing owner if there are any volunteers



    Chris :D

  7. Some of the threads that I have read said that the dash lights didn't flash but the exterior indicators did - so make sure that you can see a reflection or have someone to watch them for you.


    Where abouts are you in the UK? I have just spoken to Kaizer Motorsport who can do it - but that may not help if you are on the Isle of Man!

  8. Having spent out quite a bit on mine this year - I feel your pain. This feels like it's final finer to me for 2014!! :lol:


    If you have got halfway through the programming sequence, you will have effectively 'unlearnt' the existing fobs.


    Having done some reading this morning, there appears to be two methods for teaching the codes;


    This one...turning the key on and off 6 times at the start




    And this one....taking the key in and out at the start



    I haven't tried them yet - but having read as much as I can find on it this morning, it is recognised that it takes a couple of goes (much like the pedal dance) to get it right. There was also someone that commented that when starting the sequence with the 6x on/off that you had to do it reasonably quickly and ensure that you got to the right points of the ignition barrel.


    Not saying that you aren't doing it properly - but I would give it a couple more goes before you consider opening the car with a brick for the rest of it's life ;)


    If all else fails, you will need to look up a Nissan specialist that has Consult - they will be able to not only recode but also to diagnose if the fob is knackered


    Keep us posted!

  9. I will be keeping an eye on this one - I have had exactly the same thing happen last night and had planned to just swap the batteries in the fobs and reprogramme


    It must be related to the cold weather - I did wonder if there was condensation over a sensor that had frozen or similar upsetting the signal as once I had taken the car for a drive, got the temp up and cleared all the windows etc. the central locking was fine (including from inside the house - which is ~20-30 Ft away)

  10. Really only after a passenger one - but appreciate that most will want rid of them in pairs


    I accept that I will have to spray them - so some scuffs not a problem but no tears or splits please


    If you are close enough for me to collect and happen to have a rear bumper as well - all the better! :D

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