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Everything posted by bartman

  1. someone must have an exhaust to sell or be thinking about it! let me know if you do cheers
  2. the chavvy looking spoiler on the del sol, no i love the nismo kit, it makes the car, took me a while to source all the genuine pieces though!
  3. yeah its a real nice place called davidstow on bodmin moor in cornwall used to be a WW2 airfield its in pretty poor condition now but parts are still useable
  4. haha yeah most people are amazed when they see the garage, all the tools hung neatly in order, they think i have ocd
  5. i want loud need to here that V6 note
  6. anyone got a buddy club twin pro spec 3 exhaust for sale????? or something similar???
  7. im in the RN mate when i go away i put the zed in the garage on axle stands with the wheels off, and battery disconnected left it for 3 months and its started first time when i got back no problems, i have a 6 month deployment coming up, i was contemplating selling it but decided not too so will use the same method to store it. good luck for your trip
  8. an amazing piece of technology from the cold war era, XH558 did a flying display at the air show on my base RNAS Culdrose last summer, such an awesome sound and advanced technolgy and design for its age, although with its high maintenance costs probably wont be flying much longer.
  9. i am after a exhaust for my zed not ridiculously loud but not so it sounds the same as standard. i had a mongoose on my fto which sounded nice but open to ideas. anyone got an exhaust there selling or any advice cheers guys
  10. just to add my bit about my insurance problems if i leave my car at home in the garage the policy is about £500, if i park it on my royal navy base which has a 10ft high razor wire fence 2 guards with loaded SA80's and you have to have a car pass and ID card to get in, its over £600 so where is the sense in that.
  11. still need a set of these if anyone has some
  12. cat b can never being taxed or put on the road they can only be broken for parts highly illegal.!!
  13. i want one that is awesome
  14. my del sol and 350z catching some sun together today and before anyone says it yes that spoiler is coming off because i hate it
  15. its a nismo V1 but the american version got it from a guy off here. yeah its a awesome place on a sunny day
  16. Took my zed up on the moors there is a nice airfield up there very quiet, thought i'd take some pics. and one at home
  17. thats expensive the Royal navy/ RAF offered the yanks our harrier fleet for $1 a plane and they still didnt want them thanks cameron now we have no air support well done, sorry just my little rant
  18. did they even make the 350z in any other colour i've never noticed any others except azure 1. glrnet 2. spursmaddave 3. Vik54 4. S14KW 5. LRFAN 6. Stew 7. DawnC / TT350z 8. Jenni 9. zmanalex 10. Wasso 11.M13KYF 12.Neo 13. Ricer Bloke from the U.S.A 14.CMCK13 15. NeilMH 16. SteveM 17. Buckley 18. Ruddles 19. Clarkie34 20. Daryl 21. RisingPower 22. 5tu 23. UNABASHED 24. Bartman
  19. listen to ZMANALEX i used a stuff supplied by my local auto spares place and car didnt like it had to dump it out and use GENUINE NISSAN oil drives like a dream now
  20. yeah i live in st austell at weekends but live on base in helston in the week i travelled to bournemouth to get mine not much down this way
  21. i has my genuine nismo skirts of chilli red to they come with full instructions and fitting kit, they fitted 99% perfect. i could copy instructions if u need them and email them to u
  22. where is it to in devon? i live in cornwall so not to far??
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