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Everything posted by Paulzx

  1. i don't really understand the thinking behind removing the badge... why just take off the 350z badge? why not take off the nissan badge then? or why not take them both off lol? don't see the point of just removing 350z - who buys a 350z and doesn't want anyone to know it's a 350z!
  2. guys, what would you think if you went to look at a 2005 zed with FSH, excellent paint & alloys, genuine reason for sale etc, people seem very genuine etc but one thing sticks out...the 350z badge is missing from the boot the car apparently has never been in an accident or had a repair (although i haven't HPI'd it yet) the owner (a lady) does not know why that badge is misssing but she is the second owner so it's likely they bought it that way. to my mind, that car has either had the boot lid replaced due to a smash or re-painted at some point and the badge not put back. They don't fall off do they and it's a UK car etc so what other reason is there for that badge to be missing? It's stock by the way, no body or mechanical mods
  3. am in similar position as you, looking to buy a zed but have options on S2000 and a monaro in fact. all slightl different yet similar in that they are desirable cars for similar budgets. S2000 i can get a better deal on because the zeds are fetching better money, but, i feel the zed is a more 'masculine' car, at least in the looks department. I also feel that with the zed you get more for your money. These are my impressions having done as much research as possible...without actually having bought any of these cars just yet.
  4. Nice photos Dave but you have yours nicely tucked away in a garage so no problems with wind blowing off the cover etc, i would have to keep mine outside. I would have loved to have kept it looking in the same condition as yours but i fear outside i have no chance. will have to do what the guys have suggested and just keep it polished and waxed probably every week i think
  5. i'm intending to do a lot of waxing what is the paintshield product then?
  6. How exactly does this work? I'm really surprised that people are not taking the tape decks out...or is it impossible because it's built in to the centre console etc? Also surprised about the number of complaints regarding the CD player, are people not replacing these for something better?
  7. Yeah, I'm having second thoughts about it. Basically the car will be used regularly but not everyday, so i was hoping i could keep it relatively clean by covering it after i've used it, just so the shitty weather doesn't make it dirty while it's parked. But the reality i suppose is that you can't really cover it up directly after using it on the road so it's not really any good for regular use i don't think. Thanks everyonr for the advice
  8. as a potential buyer, i would also like to ask do all 350z models have the tape player in the centre console? i'm looking at a 2005 GT4 and was surprised to see the tape player! i know its a small detail and all, but it struck me as slightly odd that a five year old car still comes with this, is it not a slightly out dated feature? do you guys take them out or not bother? it seems a tad naff...
  9. does this mean that you can only cover the car after it has ben cleaned and waxed? what happens if the car is driven and returns wet or damp and the cover goes back on... will that affect the paintwork?
  10. really wanted one just to protect against the rain or else it means constantly washing the car, especially in the winter weather
  11. Hello all Hopefully i will soon be the proud new owner of a yellow GT4 However, i don't have any garage facilities in which to keep the car, so I'm thinking ahead and would like to ask if anyone can recommend a good place to buy a car cover, hopefully tailored to fit the car. Lots of places sell these covers but lots of em are shite too...anyone bought one that does the trick?
  12. Very good points, you've helped me make my mind up not to let the service history affect my purchase - i will still go for a car with full service history but won't stress about it being Nissan.
  13. so non nissan history shouldn't be a major problem? i guess it doesn't concern you that having a non nissan service history on your car will make it a less attractive proposition to sell on etc? that would be my main concern, just for selling on really
  14. may have found a GT4 to buy but one thing is bothering me slightly.. It has a full service history but not dealer service history. Nissan did he first service only, ford did a couple and i think the chap himself did the most recent one. I feel more comfortable buying a car with full nissan history for obvious reasons, but can anyone tell me the full service list it should have had? 2005 car i suppose would have one full service and one interim service per year so i'm guessing it should have a total of ten services, five of each type stamped in the service book?
  15. trouble is, i really want a yellow GT4 and the only ones up for sale right now seem to have them fitted, so it looks like i might have to compromise on this. which is probably ridiculous really because if it saves me from reversing in to something i'll probably be grateful of it. just not over keen on the little round circles you can see on the bumper
  16. its just the visual side of it for me, if the sensors are hidden then great, if they are visible it puts me off slightly - i know i'm being picky but hey.. on the yellow zeds they are quite visible but the black zeds they are less obvious decisions decisions...i've wanted a 350 for ages so i want to make sure i'm totally happy with the car i end up with
  17. thats what i was thinking...to crack the back bumper doesn't look like a cheap repair, and these bumpers thesedays are not really bumpers like they used to be years ago, they are more like a stylised part of the car.
  18. Any opinions on reverse parking sensors? A couple of Zeds I'm looking at have them fitted - presumably factory fitted, or are they after market jobs? Initially I thought they ruined the clean look of the back of the car but it's looking like I might have no choice with the cars I'm looking at, thay all seem to have them.. Is it a bad thing or is the practical side of it a godsend? Personally I've never reversed a car into an obstacle that has caused damage to the car - but i have ffom the front lol!
  19. Garry, the guy who bought your car beat me to it by 24hrs!! I was supposed to view it 1pm on the saturday but couldn't make it due to the bad weather we had. Funnily enough i didn't have my heart set on a GT4 until I saw this one advertised, now I think I'll have to have one as opposed to the regular model
  20. well not quite Hartlepool...Isle of Wight in fact lol...
  21. i've more or less settled for an 05 yellow GT4, been looking into the dealer servicing costs which are surprisingly reasonable! I was told there will be no need for a cambelt change at any time due to the 350z having a chain rather than a replaceable cambelt. To me, that sounds like a better arrangement than having to worry about the cambelt at some point, although the chap said that the new skyline's have gone back to cambelts. Are there any issues with these chain belts?
  22. true, not many bargains around right now except the odd cat c write off masquerading as a rather nice black 350z but then thats not such a good deal is it?!
  23. Thanks for the info. For me personally I can't go to a 2007 because they're just fetching too much money, 2004/2005 is my limit really. I have my eye on a yellow GT4, it has a lot of extras on it, but no one will negotiate, they all want top money for them which is fair enough but i expected to be able to negotiate a bit more in the supposed recession. Good news if you're selling one i suppose - so long as they are actually selling!
  24. certainly will do when i finally get the car it's a toss up between yellow GT4 bright blue 2004 black GT4 standard black 2007 i feel dizzy looking at these cars...
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