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Everything posted by Paulzx

  1. Hello Everyone, Would someone be kind enough to post up two photos to show the exact location of the two numbered plaques that are supposed to be displayed in the GT4 cars? I need to be able to show a nissan dealer parts guy where the plates are located in the car with a couple of photos that make it obvious to someone who doesn't know. Thanks Paul
  2. well you always pick the best photos to post up lol!!! my own 300z is pearl white but i had it done myself, when you compare the pearl effect from my car to the UY it just looks like nissan scrimped on the cost a bit because i had to really put my nose to the car to see if it was pearl, it's just very subtle. but i do think they stand out more than anything else in UY
  3. Can anyone tell me where to look in the car to find the special edition plate please? Thanks
  4. These seem really hard to find, aututrader and piston heads don't turn many up. Did they ever do a UK spec model on this car? Or is it a case of having to deal with a jap importer?
  5. having looked at one of these yesterday, the paint job on the UY is not actually that special at all. In fact, if it is pearl it's not even as nice pearl as my own car, it looks flat. And it is more of a banana yellow than i thought it would be. I'll still be looking around to see if i can pick a good condition one up but having seen the UY and also an azure blue metallic up close, the azure has a better paint job i think. I don't think the yellow GT4's are quite as special as I thought they would be.
  6. I'm off to look at an UY in the flesh today, think i need to see this colour up close...this comment above is worrying me a bit lol... I'm expecting a nice bright, intense yellow. If bananas come into the eqation i may have to change the title of this thread!!
  7. Yes. He is pestering me all the time. Judging by the amount of people that are after a yellow zed i can only see it going up in value! Let the bidding war commence hehe don't get too excited Beavis...there are a few of us who want one but judging by how long a couple of them have been for sale, there is definately a limit to what people will pay for these. One car that i can think of in particular proves that an UY GT4 on low miles still can't fetch 16k even though it's a stunning car. I guess people are passing them up for MY06 cars at that price
  8. The OP is myself...why exactly have i got blinkers on then?
  9. Only the grey was photoshopped. These are the original photographers pics. Any further photoshopping was done by AE for the mag. Beavis, you will get 14k for yours no problem, 15k will be near impossible because as mentioned the low mileage 06 cars are going for that. If you're thinking of selling it, let's do a deal now for 14k and put me out of my misery lol...
  10. You are spot on mate. Particularly I take issue with Southams because you're right, their attitiude is poor, they think they have some kind of prized possession on the forecourt but I have reminded them that it's the only one that hasn't been sold - because of the price! Some sellers have got their heads screwed on right and they sell the car fairly quickly for a reasonable price, others seem to think they can command what they want for a GT4. The reality is, it's only worth what someone is willing to pay, regardless of how well looked after it is, mods etc...all that gives you as the seller is a more desirable car for the potential buyer to purchase over another, it doesn't give you a car worth 2-3k more than any other GT4
  11. I know, for the higher price it has to be more sensible. UY was my first choice and i don't want to buy azure wishing i waited for yellow!
  12. Looks very tidy and just what the OP is looking for Nice find Digsy Cheers Guys, the southams car is ideal, i've been trying to buy it since xmas though. it's been for sale along with all the other various GT4's abd its the only one that didn't eventually sell in the three or so months it has been up for. That's because it's up for 16k and everyone else looking for one has picked them up for 13-14k. I know it's on a forecourt etc but it's way overpriced. I can buy a 2006 azure on 22k miles on a forecourt for £14995 i have tried and they just will not budge on the 16k. i would have that car tomorrow if the price was realistic But sometimes you have to pay for what you want. If i was to put mine up for sale now with only 16k on the clock and knowing the condition its in i would not be far off that price initially to see how i fair. I certainly would not be giving it away. You want a yellow GT4 and you will have to realise that they dont come up for sale often. I agree with you in principal Beavis, but the fact is, since xmas and just before, seven or eight UY GT4's have come and gone on autotrader or piston heads so they are not that rare. I know i'll have to pay for what i want but i don't want to be ripped off either...i know full well that a low miles clean UY GT4 is worth 14k tops private, most i've been offered have gone for more like 13k or just above because at 15 or 16k you're getting into MY06 car prices, then it becomes confusing because it's not such a sensible purchase when you could have a newer car. The other thing with it is that at the higher prices they don't sell. I phoned the southams guy in the week between xmas and new year, so nearly two months on and all the others are sold and his is still there - what is the sense in that? I know your car has got to be stunning, 16k miles etc...the best one thats been for sale so far is Gary's (forum member) and his had quite a few extras, low miles and sold for 14k which is about tops, but realistc. I really don't want to pay 2k over what they are worth, it grates on me. been offered one this week for £13.5k but just a bit higher on miles than what i want i deally. Plus i can't go to 16k on the budget
  13. Looks very tidy and just what the OP is looking for Nice find Digsy Cheers Guys, the southams car is ideal, i've been trying to buy it since xmas though. it's been for sale along with all the other various GT4's abd its the only one that didn't eventually sell in the three or so months it has been up for. That's because it's up for 16k and everyone else looking for one has picked them up for 13-14k. I know it's on a forecourt etc but it's way overpriced. I can buy a 2006 azure on 22k miles on a forecourt for £14995 i have tried and they just will not budge on the 16k. i would have that car tomorrow if the price was realistic
  14. speaking to him now Jay, seems like a good car but a bit high on the miles for what i want
  15. sounds like just the ticket...can't think of any use for an extra 14k?!
  16. thanks for the link. forecourt prices are a bit silly on these, privately they are going for around 13-13.5k despite being listed at over 14k
  17. been offered three or four all under 30k miles so they are around, doesn't have to be as low as 20k necessarily
  18. Been after a yellow GT4 for a while now... Ideally I want a 20-30k mile car in good condition with sat nav. If any of you guys have one and are considering selling, please let me know, you could get a sale quite quickly without even advertising it!! Paul
  19. was going to say isn't this the cat d one? plus the minor issue with the service/garage thing otherwise i would have had your hand off because i'm looking for something like this. i went down the cat d bargain route once before and it is a tricky one because although the car is cheap at 11k, a lot of places are recommending not to pay over 10k for any cat d! it is probably a bargain for someone though
  20. It's not really on is it. I'm all for getting the most money possible for your car, but when a deal is agreed and that party then spends some time effort and money to prepare to go and collect the car, you should stick to your areement. In the four months I have been talking to people who are trying to sell their Zeds, I keep hearing the same story...people turning up to drive the car, look around it etc and then they don't come up with the money or some other reason and it all falls through. Some of these cars have been up for sale for the same four months I've been looking, it's not easy to sell a Zed on autotrader or pistonheads right now as there are three or four hundred of them on there, so unless the car is spectacular or cheap, it's hard to sell. A bit more co-operation from some sellers would be good... Just the observation of a disappointed 'almost Zed owner'...
  21. well sadly, i had a deal agreed for a yellow GT4 this wednesday in Leeds. It's 250 miles away from me, cost £160 just to get up on the train. Having formally agreed to buy the car subject to viewing, i was gazumped by somebody who offered £200 more on the same day. I couldn'r really go the extra money because the cost of the round trip already meant the whole deal was actually costing more than the sale price of the car by some margin. Hoping the other bidder might pull out, i waited to see. Unfortunately he bought the car, making the whole thing a waste of time. I was annoyed because i had planned this with the seller for over a week and had a deal agreed. So much for that agreement lol...
  22. Paulzx


    You guys all advised me to go UY GT4 instead of the 2006 azure i had an option on... but now you're saying the GT4's are not all that and the MY06 cars are better!! I'm getting serious second thoughts here lol...
  23. still waiting for proof of settlement figure on that one. on another note i've been offered another GT4 but this one has two issues. first is no sat nav - i thought they came as standard so it would seem somebody has removed it? the other is that it's had no service since 2007, basically when the second owner got it. from 2007 up to now it's only covered 10,000 miles. what would you do, just get it down to your dealer or service specialist and bring the services up to date? does it matter that they weren't done at the correct times?
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