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James B

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Everything posted by James B

  1. Magic DVD ripper is the best I've found. Idiot proof too use (an essential for me) a free trial period and the option to buy (or delete and reinstall ) later. Can't go wrong with it!
  2. I'm a little nervous too!
  3. I'm sorry but nearly everything in this post is either incorrect or inaccurate. If they cannot even be bothered to analyse their own finances like you have Marzman, then they are beyond saving and deserve the lifetime of hurt this will cause. Whoah Sarnie! What side of whose bed did you wake up on today? If my information is incorrect then please correct me and be contructive fella. If there's something I've got wrong I would like to know.
  4. Unfortunately the reasons to go bankrupt have only increased. It used to be that after going bankrupt you would have zero credit rating (ie you coulnt get a mobile phone or anything that requires credit) for 5 yrs but that's now been reduced to 2. They need to understand that: - all personal items will be seized. So they will lose all their TV's, DVDs, cars, computers. Essentially anything that isn't essential for living. So they could keep fridge and microwave and 1 car if it was a total shed. All prestige items go. Onvously they would lose their house as well. you lose EVERYTHING! - they would not be able to get or do anything that requires credit. In this day and age that probably covers a lot more than they realise, for about 3 years. (2 yrs no credit + 1 yr minimum to rebuild their credit. - they won't be able to have a credit cards or even visa debits. So everything will need to be paid for in cash or maestro. I would advise they only consider bankruptcy is they have a personal debt of over £20k and getting worse or if their negative equity outstrips the projected value of their propert in approx 3 yrs. Bankruptcy is for those with no other option. It's not as bad as it used to be (used to get sent to prison not so many moons ago) but its not an easy ride.
  5. James B

    N1 Woes.

    Who did the work on it? I think it's important to state publicly when you've had bad service, and where. May help prevent another person sharing your experience!
  6. Don't get sucked into comparing specs, they don't mean that much. e.g when buying a camera ask anyone that knows whats best a 10mp Nikon or a 20mp Panasonic. The Nikon wins hands down everytime because of everything else that goes intoa build. My advice is stay well clear of 3D for a few years til its doesnt require glasses. Buy a £550-£600 samsung plasma and then upgrade again in 3 years when 3D has matured as a technology. Unless you a massive audiophile you won't be able to tell the difference. If you know PC's another similar comparison would be, if you just do normal day to day stuff and no mega gaming or high end graphics its better to spend £300 on one and upgrade it every 2 years rather than spend £900 on a state of the art rig thats obsolete ini 3 years anyway. The law of diminishing returns applies to electronics buying. Buy good brands, not specs. Good luck fella!
  7. Yeah I heard that conspiracy theory and tbh I could easily believe that to be true. Clandestine group known as the 'council of wise men' made of CEO's that rule everything. Will have lots of nice Libiyan oil to add to their done list this year.
  8. Those prices are based on no rubber.
  9. Looks nice but to be honest I'd swoon over it even if it was half dayglo pink, half poo brown!
  10. £300 for a set that need a refurb, £600 for a refurbed or immaculate set. Anything inbetween for quality and you'll be losing out as peeps will either be looking to buy in great condition or have them done themselves to have ini great cond after. No one really looks for OK'ish wheels.
  11. Common problem I'm afraid. It's a short in the electrical tape from CD player to main unit internally. There's a guide to fixing it here somewhere if you're handy with electrics or PM R35LEE. He used to fix them for £50 a hit but no idea if he still does. Either that or replace the head unit.
  12. Holy cow, that's alot of money for a 1995 import! I had no idea they were worth that. Lovely example though and suppose it's alot of fast car at +400bhp.
  13. Did my AFF 4 years ago and got 49 jumps but havnt managed one in 2 years. Makes me want to get back into it.
  14. Love it! How wide are the spacers on that thing?
  15. Just don't go above 50mph. If you do the tyre will arm, if you then drop below 50mph it will explode!!! This all reminds me of a film. I think it was called 'the bus that could'nt slow down'
  16. Depending on what information you put on your profile FB will use all this information to send you targetted marketing material based on your likes and location. Google also know, and record, every single website you visit but since Google and FB are enemies I doubt they have combined that information yet. Also understand that they have access to your photo's so they will be able to cross reference any photo's of say, fast cars, then again match it back to other info. It's very 'big brother' but the days of real privacy are long gone.
  17. Not quite Pretty sure thats been disproved by Nurrish, Myself & now Sam who have all gone above the "safe" 400 mark. As said before, torque kills these motors - not HP Did'nt Nurrish blow his up?!
  18. I was in a plane that got hit once, although it was about 20 years ago. Was a massive flash and crash and a few scream, air hostesses scuttled to the back of the plane. My mum grabbed one and asked whats happening to which she replied "oh, nothing to worry about, we were just hit by lightening" Turns out its never usually dangerous but still scared the @*!# out of me!
  19. Bose, Heated electric seats and cruise control is all that comes with the GT. Main thing to consider is the resale (if you ever want to) as the non GT's are meant to be very hard to shift on.
  20. Probably a little far but Hildenborough Bodyworx in Kent does great work.
  21. I had my old Focus fail for just that reason, except 2 were on the wrong way. Last time I ever took any car to Dip Shitz (Kwik Fit)! Went back to the store and confronted them to be offered £100 off voucher. Explained I wouldn't trust them to change my windscreen wipers after that so got a 50% refund on all 4 corners. Result!
  22. Got a Panasonic touch screen and it sits about 3/4 of a cm proud of the dash.
  23. BE VERY CAREFUL GOING ANYWHERE WITH £9k IN YOUR SKY ROCKET! Seriously though, its down to the individual but I would NEVER walk around with that money to hand. Bankers draft or CHAPS transfer. I've heard too many stories of people going to look at cars, envelope full of cash only to be greated by some eastern europeans more than happy to relieve you of it. Cash isnt insured!
  24. You can use steeering control with other units, just need the right loom and adaptor.
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