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James B

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Everything posted by James B

  1. I notice that the interior is Alezan but the steering wheel is black. I'm pretty sure that the wheel should be colour coded too?! Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  2. Light at the end of the tunnel. Mate's missus is off to the states next week so she can probably grab me one at their price.
  3. I'm seething! As a technophile I've been really looking forward to the upcoming release of the iPad. Captured by promises of a low price point that made it an accessible device. I wake up this morning and, like many others, checked the UK release price to find the lowest model 33% and a clear £100 more expensive over here than in the states! I mean WTF?!?! So despite wanting one badly, for the time being I say " Steve Jobs, take ur miracle device and stick it up your iArse!!"
  4. I bought same colour, same year, similar price. I'd say to try and haggle £500 off that price to make it about right. only thing is its a rare colour and a desirable car so it a sellers market in the case. Just do your homework, check service history and make sure everything 'adds up' and GL!
  5. I cant get the rear wiper blade off either, just gave up in the end. Very irratating!
  6. It's started. I think I'm falling for the 370Z! Don't get me wrong, I still love my 350 zed and, like any first love, she will always have a special place in my heart. It's just I'm starting to yearn (a word no man should use, let alone feel) for a 370Z. Its in the same way a man can be completely happy with his missus despite wanting to hammer this shite out of Heidi Klum , knowing that he can't have her...... ...... think I've ranted enough but this is what started it for me http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p
  7. What you describe sounds like warped disc's. It's unusual to happen, esp on newish gear, unless you've been trashing the pants off it but it does sound like what your experiencing.
  8. Looks fine to me, what makes you think its not an original Nismo?
  9. Price OK but I think you should be able to haggle another £500 quid off. Looks OK as long as you're aware it's a Japanese import (you can tell from the square rear numberplate).
  10. My replies - not wishing to contradict Captain Sensible, its just he's wrong! May I ask a couple of questions regarding a possible 350z purchase: 1)was the tan leather a cost option above the GT pack? Yes - the GT pack came with charcoal leather, heated seats as standard. The Alezan were extra 2)what is the availability of second hand rays alloys? I have seen a couple of sets in the ad section on here, they seem to be around £600 but do they come along often? There was a full set posted for sale by a member last week for £400. Not usre if they are still available - check the for sale part of site. 3)The gearbox in the car I test drove was a little sticky going into 2nd when cold. This seemed to get better once warmed up. Is this normal or is it a potential problem? Yup, the zeds (esp the earlier ones) have always had a crunchy gear box. I love it! Thanks for any info.
  11. Throw it at your car repeatedly. To the untrained eye it will look like it's damaging the car but that just means its working................
  12. Clash of the Titans sucked balls! A truely appaulling film. I know what you mean about the 3D too and I thought it was runnish in the film as well. Don't write it off, go see Avatar on 3D IMAX and I promise you'll forget the headache.
  13. 60 to a tank?! WTF were you doing, driving at 100 in first gear?!
  14. Yes, using punctuation would be a good start!
  15. Mate, if you want objective opinions you've come to entirely the wrong place. We're all total Zed nut's! All the cars you named are good so just go and buy whatever get's you wet! P.S Get a ZED!!!!!
  16. Sorry to rant but I've decided that although the numbnut drivers come out on sundays, so do work cretin's on mondays. Unbelieveable how incompetant some peeps are! As such I've decided there's only one thing for it. I'm gonna start running guns and drugs 'a la' Too Fast, Too Furious. Who's with me?
  17. 530d is the way forward - They go on forever!!!
  18. That's a hell of a lot of pigeons! Nope unless you can get them sent via carrier pigeon
  19. The sound problem witht he left side is common to 350Z's. Many, including myself, have had this. I'm afraid is down to some poor wiring in the head unit and nothing to do with the speaker. A nut ache to fix. R35LEE can fix them but good luck getting hold of him! I've been waiting for a call back for weeks! Have fun with your new baby. Owned mine for 4 months now and I still love her to death.
  20. Any blacks a nightmare to clean and friken hot when the sun's on it, I like the orange as it's ballsy, grey is too common in my opinion, chilli red is awesome but as rare as hen teeth and azure's my fav (gues what colour mine is?!). Well thats my 2 pence.......................
  21. ......er, Fairlady is what the Jap's call the 350Z, so if it's an import then thats what it's called.
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