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James B

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Everything posted by James B

  1. I've got one too. DOnt really need it. PM me if you're still looking.
  2. It's a real ball ache. I've had that and people have tried to fix it, only for it to come back. My advice is just to buy a new Head Unit. I'm installing my double din touchscreen this weekend. If you're patient and eagle eyed there are some good deals to be had on Ebay.
  3. Seems OK but not an amazing price tbh. I paid £9,500 for my Azure (same spec, same reg) 10 months ago. Mine's got more miles on it (80k) but I got 4 new tyres and a major service, bearings and a major svs for the price. I'd say you should get £500 knocked off that price in negotiation.
  4. Nice! Good price as well for anyone looking for a premodded Zed.
  5. 53 plate with 83k on the clock, most of which was there when I bought it 8 months a go. I've only done 2k on it but working perfectly!
  6. Going up through the gears or going down? If going up, then stop slipping the clutch. If going down, learn to heel and toe. When going up the gears. Guess i'll just be a bit more gentle with her................ P.S Had no idea my use of the term 'bell end' would be met so well. Always been one of my best loved retro put downs, along with 'you tool'.
  7. Hi Guys, Sometimes when I really give it the berries, smashing it through the gears I get a burning smell in the car. Its not all the time or even most of the time when I change gear but when I'm driving hard, doing quick changes at high revs. Basically when I'm driving like a bell end! Anyone else get this or have any suggestions as to what might be causing this?
  8. how longs a piece of string mate? Knowing the year would also be helpful information...............................
  9. What were u bidding on? I ninjad one of these of another bidder a couple of days a go so may have been me.
  10. Really sorry to hear that. Sounds like an amazing woman! Condolences to all your family.
  11. Honestly, if anyone did this to me I'd turn and walk away and be thankful I didn't have to deal with the weirdo anymore. LOL. I'm not a weirdo (too wierd at least) and not suggesting people act like a mute when buying something. Just an observation that sometimes the best way to negotiate isn't what you say, but what you don't say.
  12. Er, sorry to sound like a div but what am I looking at?
  13. Just ask if it's their best price and dont say anything or move. Just look at them. For at least a min. Most human beings get extremely uncomfortable with long silences and will do anything to break them. Even drop the price by a lot. Try it, but remember the more uncomfortable you feel, they will feel that too. It's like playing chicken.
  14. Assuming all the paperwork adds up and mileage in genuine I'd grab it chop chop as it sounds like a sweet price. Forget comparing to others obsessively. You're getting a @*!# hot, low mileage, cult, 3.5l sports car for just over £8k. What more do you want?
  15. Just triumphantly won a bid on a double din HU on EBay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... SA:GB:1123 Unfortunately looking over the spec I've relaised I've made a complete **** up. The unit only has 1 preout and (as I understand it) the Bose internals require 2 preouts, so.................. Is there any way for me to split the signal or am I stuck with a unit that doesnt do the job I need? Help appeciated with this one.
  16. Tried that. Took it to R35LEE who had a go but it still don't work. Just sick of it to be honest and want something better.
  17. Want to get rid of the Bose HU cos it's always cutting out on the left speakers. Just found this HU below on eBay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PANASONIC-CQ-VW10 ... 335f536372 Is this going to plug in and play with the rest of the Bose set up and speakers? Anything I should know or be considering? If it is I really want to pounce on this quick. Thanks for all your feedback guys! Cheers, James
  18. Not just the alcohol. Really don't think it's a great idea for a 21 yr old to drive a car like a Zed. Of course there are mature, skilled drivers at that age but I know I would have been dead behind the wheel of one at that age. Of course, add the fact it was a woman driving and...............................
  19. I do around 3-4k too. But I don't own the Zed for practicality. As Unabashed said - its all about the sunday blast!
  20. I'm with you Husky! I mean, seriously WTF?! The math's couln't be more simple. If you employ a private company to do something, their main concern is (rightly for them) making money. So our tax payers money funds their dividend payment. I get the idea - bring in the best and brightest to run somehting better and the economic saving should fund their profit. in the real world it doesnt work like that. It's another cowards attempt by a government unable to affect change and improve the basic running of a service. Don't privatise. Pull your finger out and fix whats wrong. 1 purely exec manager per 9 medical staff in hospitals is a good place to start looking. I'm sick of getting the bollocks taxed off me, services getting worse and to make things worse found out the other day that next year my commuter train form the m25 to central london is going to go up by 10% again this year (it's £293 per month already). I feel this rant getting out of control...........................
  21. Er I'm 99.9% its a joke site site fella! Have a look at their specialist fuels
  22. Why replace your disks if they don't need it? Really I wouln't bother! I've got ultimax and yellowstuff and although they work I don't think they are the best combo. There's been talk of yellowstuff not working well with grooved discs. I think the best combo for ultimax discs is probably Ferodo DS. Go with those pads!
  23. Not helped by my small and remarkably clumbsy GF! It's like shes trying to destroy the car when shes closes the door. Pays to be gentle when closing the door, they're not the most resilient of window motors (being frameless windows) and it doesn't take too much to dislodge them off their track. Let us know how you get on.
  24. Afraid the quote of £300 is probably close to the mark. Possibly even more. Always make sure you have 1 spare electronic and a valet key. The key with remote, even if you have the original is about £110. Good luck finding them fella. Horrible to think that you losing you keys may end up costing more than fixing the damage to my Zed when some bell end drove into it.
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