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James B

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Everything posted by James B

  1. After giving the beast a quick detail at the weekend my desire to get a machine polisher has ownly grown. I want to fo it right though so was wondering, assuming I get the Meg's G220 polisher, what pads and polishing compound would you all recommend? If read the links to the awesome detailing guide, just want products re-confirmed to me as I'm terrified I'll have misread, misunderstood and end up tearing through my paintwork. So to state the questions in full......... Assuming I buy the Meg's polisher, what polisher pad and compound should I use? Should I use Lime Prime or Lime Prime Lite for an early Azure Zed? Another (probably thick question). Have I got the order of use for these products right? Snowfoam Wash (dodo mild) Limeprime Megs machine polish Dodo Blue Wax Megs machine buff Dodo Red Mist That right and did I miss anything out?
  2. Can poorboys black hole be used on lighter colour cars. Specifically my Azure Zed?
  3. Just as long as you realise TVR's are famous for being nightmares to keep. My uncle had one and joked that it spent half the time at the garage. I'd like a Tuscan but the total lack of everyday usability is keeping me away........ .......for now.
  4. Nice one Wasso - great response, thanks!
  5. After my recent post about the use of a machine polisher, particularly the Halfrauds one, some of you came back and recommended staying away from machine polishers altogether ebcause of the 'world famous' soft Nissan paint. So assuming I went manual, are there any tips for how to go about polishing manual swirls out in terms of equiptment, product and technique? (Tried searching but nothing jumped out at me)
  6. Has anyone got any experience of this: http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stor ... yId_165640 I want to buy a machine polisher to buff some swirl marks out of my paintwork but the £100 squid for the Dodo one is a little rich for my blood at the moment. I understand it probably wont do quite as good a job as a pro one but equally I dont want to buy something thats going to damage my beloved. So....... anyone got experience of this polisher or another they would recommend at the same sort of price. All comments welcome!
  7. After quite some time I've managed to rack up my 350 posts! Now who does a guy have to screw to get a club sticker?!
  8. Traversty! Scorpion is like music to my ears!
  9. Defo sure he meant to avoid dings etc. Take it as a compliment fella!
  10. I love animals and have a cat myself. Tragic as it is I love the evil little weasel to bit and would be crushed if this happened to me. Think I'd go to almost any lengths to find the person that did it and return the favour....................
  11. At least 3 in the area around me!
  12. OMG - The video on the BBC of all the debris and a building on fire getting swept along for miles!
  13. It's a stunner to be fair. I get some nice compliments here and now but not tons. I think tasteful modification and bodykits capture the imagination of those that like / know their cars and those same people love to see an automobile thats properly looked after.
  14. Doesnt both me. Think I would bottle it before getting close to the top speed, even if I did have the space and road to allow. All about the acceleration, handlign and braking!
  15. If you want a laugh, when you buy a Z ask "we buy any car" what they'll pay for it... my offer from them was about half price! To be fair 'we buy any car' could only ever make money if they have no chance of loosing or buying a turkey, so the price will always be stupidly low. My missus sold her battered 51 corsa that had NEVER been serviced for £500. In that instance I think she got a great deal though I pitty the poor sod that bought it after they had buffed it up.
  16. Sounds like a fair offer to be honest. We have all taken hits on them - yours is a great low mileage example but and you could might be able to get £9k for it but if you want rid then accept. Up to you though fella.....
  17. Yup -they are Jap cars and although the enginerring is bulletproof the interiors are rattly and a bit plastic. Can all be fixed with WD40, small pieces of dynamat and alot of patience!
  18. Saw this last week. Utter genius! The fact that he passed a drug test shows he's clearly blown a fuse up there from all the wild narcotic consumption. Bi-WINNING!
  19. Not my cup of tea but certainly not bad looking wheels. To be honest I love the Rays although 19" versions would be preferable.
  20. I would walk fella. It's just me but I would rather another 15k on the clock and a perfect service history then a dodgy start in its life.
  21. James B

    O M F G

    Quote: 4. Nissan said that a cambelt service is 54K or 5 years. Is that right? I have read in a post aimed at newbie owners that it should be 4 years. Hahahahahahahaha! Seriously though, thats freeking scary if they know that little about their own cars they think its a belt..........
  22. Must resist urge to go buy one now...........
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