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Everything posted by gray1st

  1. I'm hopeful for a little advice, I'm half way through replacing the wheel hub assembly on my Z. I'm as far as taking the brake disc off, and the 4 internal 17mm Bolts on the hub carrier. BUT... for the life of me, I can't get the existing hub assembly out.... I've tried leverage, mallets, even trying to force the two apart with a small chissel..to no avail.. Has anyone done this themselves, and if so any advice...and please don't say the existing hub assembly fell out....
  2. Hi guys...I'm looking for some advice that google can't give. I'm a keen cyclist, and often have to transport my bike to different locations. Does anyone know of any way for easily transporting a bike in a 350? Obviously there is limited space in the car, does anyone know of a boot mount?
  3. Thanks for that, did a check, but no mileage was shown :S Another quick question (sorry), can you have a non GT Spec with leather interior etc?
  4. Be good if you could, I think it'd be worthwhile doing a check on the mileage aswell. I'm hoping to go and take a look at the car tomorrow so fingers crossed. Has anyone used an independent engineer to give the car a once over? If so, other than the obvious AA and RAC, can anyone recommend a company they have used and found the report given to be of use Thanks
  5. I did a basic HPI Check on hpi.co.uk but it doesnt come back with any mileage details? Although it does say No mileage discrepancy is currently recorded on the national mileage register (nmr)
  6. I thought it may be a security issue for someone perhaps swapping reg plates on the car, but wasn't sure. They mentioned that the car is HPI clear and was checked before purchase. Is it possible or just cheeky to request a copy of their HPI certificate? Any advice?
  7. I've dug a little deeper into this car, and it is HPI clear as far as the basic checks are concerned so no insurance claims against it. I've asked the seller for the relevant mileage details, registration document serial number and issue date along with te VIN number in order to do these checks, however i've been told that he can't give this info over E-mail. Being a relative car trading novice, is this correct?
  8. Too good to be true?? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z_W0QQitemZ320453232043QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAutomobiles_UK?hash=item4a9c8045ab Reading the listing, It's not mentioned of it being a GT...omitted accidentally? I've e-mailed asking if it were a UK model, and he has confirmed
  9. Looking to spend up to 12k. GT Pack, UK Car, and Ideally don't want mileage too high.
  10. I've got to agree, just looked over them again, I missed that the 2nd was a CAT C (thought it was cheap). The 3rd one, very low mileage . Can someone tell me if all GT's come with leater seats? As that one has fabric seats
  11. Thanks for all your advice, being a relative "newbie" to 350z's it's great to get advice from those who have a passion for the car. I've noticed a couple below on autotrader, be really interested in getting peoples' opinions. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... &logcode=p http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... &logcode=p http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... &logcode=p http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... &logcode=p
  12. Thanks for coming back to me guys! I thought it was quite cheap looking at the pics and mileage. I did call and ask about service history on the car and they got a little cagey when I quized them further on it. Sorry, I've got to ask, what is BITSA? Also, anyone looking at this who has a good example which they are perhaps looking at selling please let me know
  13. Thanks for the advice, I've seen this one below. Not specified if it is a UK Spec but does say its a GT, and I can't see a rear spoiler on the pics. Anyone with a keener eye, possibly shed some light? http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/200948347264989/sort/priceasc/usedcars/make/nissan/model/350_z/page/1/quicksearch/true/postcode/cw113nn/radius/40?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fresults%2Fusedcars%2Fpostcode%2Fcw113nn%2Fradius%2F40%2Fmake%2Fnissan%2Fmodel%2F350_z%2Fpage%2F1%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc%2Fquicksearch%2Ftrue&anchor=advert200948347264989&logcode=p
  14. Hi, Im new to the board and currently looking at purchasing a 2nd hand 350z. I was wondering if I could possibly get some pointers on things to look out for? Thanks in advance
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