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  1. Im still on this - waiting for him to give me some more info but I believe hes signed up here now too Hes been dealing with Lee and Alex (I think) to get the parts, looks like hes potentially gone slightly over budget but hopefully not too much.. he should have it sorted soon fingers crossed. He did have some problems getting the car to his mechanic and I think ordered some wrong parts but decided to change those anyways. Last I heard its on some ramps waiting for a part delivery before it can be progressed. Im sure he said he took pics but since he signed up on here I might see if I can get him to start his thread with them included and put a link directing to it. Merry xmas all
  2. Have just reminded him to get pics hopefully he will and pending his permission ill submit them here.
  3. Hey peeps As promised I have an update here. The garage my friend was supposed to be taking it to (we suspect it had ties with the person he bought the car from) decided to stop answering his calls, wouldnt return calls and basically went silent.. Then the guy he bought it from wanted to charge extra to deliver the car to the local garage here that my friend has asked to sort the car out - after a bit of arguing it seems they delivered it free so now the car is with my friends local mechanic (who he is a bit pally with anyways). The damage doesnt look too bad - sounds like its three arms, some suspension bits, potentially the diff cradle and two alloys (definately got curbed) as well as some panel fixing.. My friend is pretty much happy at this point as hes going along the logic that he has a 15k car for 8.3k (although it doesnt work yet) - It does run, the engine ticks over very nicely and seems to be spot on, its just the rear wing and front wheel damage to sort. The stimate for the repairs is approx 2 weeks now (After it took 6 weeks for my supras bumper to be fixed I was dubious about the 1 week the other garage had quoted.. and suspect it will not be done in two weeks but fingers crossed - depends how fast he gets the parts) Ill give some more updates as they come along incase anyone is interested in how this goes
  4. It does Especially since my supe took 6 weeks to fix a front bumper bar and slam panel - I am guessing theyre going to start on it and then tell him its not as straight forward as it seems. Keeping fingers crossed and trying to be optimistic though Ill have updates as Saturday approaches =)
  5. Aye Lee, Got your PM and sent your details through to him via his work email Im being careful to not step on his toes but at the same time look out for him as hes a top bloke. I think that type of info will reassure him as he is at the point where hes commited himself but wants reassurances. So ill pop that on email and fire it through to him too Cheers
  6. Thankyou for the replies again. I have just been on the phone with him to let him know what I have found. He has already paid the deposit but has accepted worst case scenario is he looses the deposit. He doesnt know the sellers or the garage, and is going on their reputation so far. Ive mentioned about the cost potentially going to 2k or so, but even then he would still get essentially a £15k car for just over £10k, so in the long run it might be worth the headache if it turns out there is chassis damage and a bit more to do than he has been told. He is being optimistic about it so im not trying to be too negative now as he has put the deposit down. Zmanalex - he said it has not been categorised so I am thinking it was maybe an accident not involving public property or another vehicle possibly (not sure if these need to be reported or categorised). The place selling it apparently did some form of part exchange for a 911 with this as part of the deal. Im going to make sure he signs up to the forums - im on the Supra ones and the wealth of knowledge and club spirit makes it more than worth it. Ill pop back and give an update as the situation develops. By the sounds of things its possible he will have the car by Saturday, fully functional fingers crossed! Thanks all for the input, replies and PM`s. Regards John
  7. Thanks so far guys - Im pretty much in the exact same boat but wanted to have a bit more "clout" behind me when trying to tell my friend not to go there. Cookie - your suggestion is very good, I will have a word with him and tell him that he needs to make sure they put a warranty on it (if he does go with it.. by lunch time today he had put a £1k deposit down.. hes a bit too eager ). To me the £700+ vat to fix that just seems too low, he mentioned that to the people selling it and their reply was that it was trades rates, but even then.. I think its too low - plus as rightly pointed out these machines go for £15k.. I think its a hope of a bargain thats going to turn into a mistake.. an expensive one at that.. I appreciate the info so far guys. If anyone with the tech side can put input around the type of damage that seems visible in the pics that would be great too - and are the alloys on it standard? as he is going to need to replace or refurb two by the looks of things. One looks like it would cost more to refurb than to buy new.
  8. Hello guys I hope this part of your forum is the correct place to post. I dont actually have a 350z myself, but one of my friends, who is not too computer savvy when it comes to forums, is thinking of buying one. I thought I would pop over and see if anyone could part with a little advice please. The car he is after is here : http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... &logcode=p It has "light" rear o/s wing damage and it looks like the rear wheel has been bent slightly, along with what looks like a chunk missing from the front wheel. The 5th pic is the only one that shows the damage really. My friend is a bit too keen to get his hands on this car and ive managed to persuade him to not buy it just yet and to give me a bit of time to check it out for him, id hate for him to blow his cash on a car thats going to cost too much to fix. The place selling it has been in touch and it seems like they have a flood damaged 350z that they are going to take parts from, and a garage that is going to do the work - from what he said, theyre on about swapping the rear arm from the flood damaged one to this one and then fixing up the rear panel. Has anyone had any experience in doing this themselves as im totally clueless on anything unless its a supra (even then im foggy at best) and my friends only experience is having an accident damaged jeep repaired which is quite different to this. They have said they can have it fixed and fully functional for around £700, plus vat. Does this sound about right? Personally it seems a little low. My recent experience sorting out the front of my car came to twice that and wasnt as complex. A chap over on the supra forums has said that they have no camber / caster adjustment and simply replacing the arm wont work if it has chassis damage - but we cant tell if this is the case here. The garage that provided the quote said they dont think it has chassis damage but they wouldnt know until they start working on it. Plus its just a quote for now and ive never known anyone to overquote.. quite the opposite usually. Sorry for rambling, trying to cover all points. Anyhow - any replies are appreciated ont his matter as im trying to make sure my buddy doesnt do something hes later going to regret. Cheers
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