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Everything posted by ThomasSoerensen

  1. For the 380 the internals are stock. For the 500 the internals are replaced.
  2. Hi link to a pic is in my signature. But the plenum is stock.
  3. Hang on.. now you've edited.... does that say 2115 euros and 49 cent's ??!! If I had to pay that from a UK dealer it would be an insurance claim for sure! Yup 2115 EUR - I later got a letter from her (neighbour) insurance comp stating I can get it fixed anywhere with any parts I want for up to 2500 EUR. So now I get the Strosek rear bumper at their expense
  4. 34 hours or 3-4 hours ? Thirty-Four At how much an hour? .. goodness gracious! 12 EUR per hour Here is the complete quote - remember my top rear light (the red one) is also damaged. but if you pay attention you can see that at least i was quoted by a champ.
  5. 34 hours or 3-4 hours ? Thirty-Four
  6. I have my car in for rear bumper damage. A neighbour bumped into my car while I was parked. The light became dislodged like yours and when I took it to Nissan for a quote he said that because the light was dislodged then something on the inside of the bumper had broken and a whole new bumper is needed. And a stock bumper from Nissan is about 450 EUR + VAT and then it needs to be painted and fitted. They estimated 34 hours of labour for prepping and fitting the bumper. On the upside, most likely you do not need a new rear light.
  7. I love the BBS LM-R as well. How would one go about getting someone elses insurance to pay for 4 BBS LM-Rs? Any ideas?
  8. White looks better. A white sportscar / super car makes me think that next weekend it is all stickered up and racing.
  9. Do you have a winter and summer set then on different rims? yes everybody here has that. you can usually pay your dealer 40-50 euros for storage per year of the set of wheels with tyres that you are not using
  10. I live in Germany where winter tyres are mandatory by law. I used Continental WinterContact of with 245 rear and 225 front. I did not have a problem. You just need to drive it sensibly and short shift and not be abrupt with throttle or brakes or steering input and try to only accelerate, brake or steer - not 2 of those things at the same time.
  11. they come in NA flavour can those go up hills? Lol, some people might get upset seeing that many will know to not take anything I say seriously
  12. they come in NA flavour can those go up hills?
  13. sounds like expensive insurance nothing like it included in my insurance here in Germany no replacement car - just saving fuel by using the Hyundai Tucson
  14. good to hear that people have survuved long term separations
  15. oh man - you are one of the tough guys aren't you
  16. Hi guys and girls My Zed is in the garage since Saturday to get the new rear bumper and rear light fitted due to a neighbour crashing into my baby while I was parked. So a clear insurance job. Due to my work and travel schedule I will only get Zed back on the 23rd. I already miss it sooo much. I have been using the wifes boremobile for work these last days and it does not help. How do you guys cope with being Zedless when the car is in for fixing or upgrading? Maybe I should just go to bed a cry a littel bit.
  17. No problem, except maybe you will have to remind me :-)
  18. Noise issue needs sorting soon Could be right about the limiter, I was pretty close to it but don't think I hit it. I could be wrong though Any ideas about why it cut out approaching a roundabout? The engine just shut off completley & I had no brakes or steering It knocked my confidence in the car a bit & I took it much easier or the rest of the day. I've checked for codes but none thrown You going to move towards a std exhaust too?! Would there be an idea to go for a slip type exhaust that bypasses at a certain RPM? (Ala Novidem) http://www.novidem.ch/images/pdf/nissan ... 0-gt-s.pdf I have this Novidem exhaust. If anyone is interested I can take some pictures when I get my car back (most likely on the 23 of June)
  19. Nice cleaning job, but are you sure you are not a little mental. Next week it will be super dirty again.
  20. very nice - I particularly like that you painted the carbon bonnet. It's ok to be a carbon whore - but those almost black unpainted parts makes any car look unfinished.
  21. I might be getting the small adjustable Strosek wing. But most likely not this year. My fuel consumption is something I, to a great degree, can control myself. Have seen about 15L/100km and I have seen 10.5L/100km. Normally I do a lot of my driving as Autobahn driving at approx. 130km/h and 11L/km seems to be normal when driving like that. I have a switchable SC setup. I have a small button next to my gear lever that switches on or off the SC via an electro-magnet. But to be honest I very rarely switch it off. When switched off, because the air still has to pass thru all the SC piping, I only have arounf 200 bhp. The Zed with 200 bhp feels severely underpowered when you 2 seconds ago had 380 bhp. And I have had absolutely no problems with the setup. I am considering driving to Switzerland during the summer to have Novidem take a look at the state of the SC setup in order to see if any potential upcoming issues could be addressed now and bigger problems later be avoided. But that is also driven by me wanting an excuse to show them the car and geek out about it with some people intimately familiar with it. cheers
  22. I agree with your sentiment about keeping it McLaren clean. And the wheels are matt black intentionally
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