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Everything posted by AmyZed

  1. Got it - I'll pay through the z club today- through donation paypal link I tried abroad but my phone needed Javascript to do it that way ... It'll be done in ten !
  2. What's the paypal address ?! I need to pay today- apologies I didn't see your message and react quickly -I've been abroad... It was lovely away but I need to sort out japfest aargghhhhh ! Apologies. I will text kite (Derek) now
  3. soryy- that was abrupt of me! i forgot the please too!!
  4. hey all take me off the track session... and i can pay up for the stand pass saturday....
  5. Haha that's ok! Most girls do think of micras if you say you have a Nissan - it's annoying ! I don't call mine a Nissan if someone asks what I drive I just say a 350z
  6. Hmm well it looks like its a difficult one to change ... My OEM one is the smaller one luckily - some auto knobs are bigger than the one that's on mine so that's something at least. May just look to change the colour of the metal part
  7. Hi all I'd like to change my knob but I don't know which ones will fit an auto ?! Has anyone on here changed their automatic gear knobs ?! Something carbon or something leather would be nice ?!
  8. I've only read the title of this and not all the comments ... But - I totally think the Z is a "babe magnet?!" Being a girl if a man has a Zed that's a big plus for me ! I think it shows style, taste, very sexy car !!! I tried to get my boyfriend to buy a 370z in the summer - almost he did ! But in the end he bought his first choice a Lotus Exige - which have to admit that's pretty awesome too ! But anyway, the Zed I think Is very stunning .. But maybe I am biased haha
  9. 1. Marzman (1x Ticket + 1x Track Session) 2. Grundy225 (1x Ticket + Possible Track time) 3. 350Ad (1x Ticket + 1x Track Session) 4. Firemansim [ 1x Ticket] 5. Mike46 (1x Ticket) 6. HAMLNJ (1x Ticket) 7. Buster (2 peeps and one track please) 9. Keyser (2 x Tickets and one track please) 10.Mr Hollowpoint (1x ticket +1xtrack session) PAID 11.Mrs Hollowpoint (1x ticket +1xtrack session) PAID 12. Will370z (1 x Ticket) 13. andy james ( X2 tickets and 2 track sessions ) 14. Ian ( 2 x tickets ) 15. A9H-RX (1 x Ticket - Possible Track) 16. AmyZed (1 x Ticket - x1 track session)
  10. Amazing photos , ah I so need to come along and join on one of these !!!! Is the fun all over till spring now ?
  11. AmyZed

    2014 Calendar

    Hahahahaha ha. !!!!!!
  12. Wow that looks amazing !! If only I could afford it ! It will look great in a zed ! Unfortunately out of my budget looks like ill be wrapping mine then
  13. Get on our stand then ! Was a good location though I did see your 370
  14. Thank you ! Ah, your photos are much better Yes let's do it all again in 2014 ! Can't wait
  15. i saw your car and love it ... also saw it at tescos
  16. Back from JAE! We had 8 350z's from here at one point, which was great. I want to thank every one that came along, whether it was for the whole weekend or just for a day. I had a good time even though it did rain probably 40% of it, good old english weather ay! Surprisingly it wasnt too cold camping and although patches of the field got muddy- the JAE team sectioned those parts off so the weather didnt trouble us Was nice to meet some new faces and see some more Zeds. I took a few shots of our stand so the rest of you can see... sorry I didnt take any around the show but it was a Japanese automotive extravaganza !! I think the stand spot we had was really great (perhaps we can go there again next time and use the stand next to us too) we were in the field with the traders and near a touring block so that was good. Cheers James for bringing the 350z uk banners, that really helped. Thanks to madmarky for finishing off my Clarion install in time for the show- Mark spent a couple of weekends working on my new audio and its sounding so good, he and Bullet Magnet stripped my whole interior out pretty much and replaced all my old audio, plus installing two screens for me... this is why i love being a part of this club, i find such a good community spirit and its refreshing after being in some other clubs and not feeling that! Many members on here have helped with my roadsters journey so far, i think it'd still be pretty standard if it wasnt for them! Again thanks everyone for a good weekend!! Oh and i loved the film Rush friday eve. few pics of my install (pics dont do it justice....) few more mods to do but all the Clarion bits are in and working... and some pics from show...
  17. We are opposite Celica owners club and next door to GTO owners club right at end of field .. Good plot - near the trade bits hehe and a touring block (phew) We have a little awning (white and red) for shelter for our chairs and a small table in there plus power for charging phones once generator is on this eve for us - should have lights in there this eve too awnings a tad dirty but its well used from Karl's race days ! Can't wait to see you guys
  18. Hey all, I am here !! Just setting up our awning and my tent as Karl my other half isn't joining us till tomorrow eve so he's setting me up this eve ! We are in Ebisu area stand Q2 but you'll see my Zed and hopefully some others ! Ill try and post a pic this eve of set up but if its real late when I get home I may not ! I will be coming back tomorrow for mid day so see you then :-) those who are coming tomorrow Ill be bringing my runaround my smart car with supplies haha. It also will get me home sat afternoon quickly to feed my pets ! ! But ill be back for our evening and pizza ordering Can't wait ! See you all tomorrow xx
  19. I hope so :) I don't mind about Sunday as ill prob leave at Lunch time but fri and sat would be nice if some dry weather !!
  20. Ok Friday night cinema to see Rush at 08.40pm at Odeon Kettering We have booked our seats row M, 9 & 10 (premiere seats) I couldn't have bought extras incase some don't show up and unsure who can come but if you want to please go online and book them :-) It will get us out of the rain perhaps for a couple of hours ! I bet now Friday eve is the dry one d'oh haha
  21. So any more cinema goers for fri eve Rush? And sat eve order pizza in ? :-) we can go collect it from dominoes ! Ill look at cinema times etc this eve and let you all know ...
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