I have a clock switch from a US 350 (indicator/washers on opposite sides and I need to use the clock switch was included. Will this US spec clock switch work on my UK 350?
Took my PKAT down to the electrics guy today who ran the diag on her, and we have the airbag code come up I guess this is not the seat tensioners then, but it is the clock switch.If I use a clock switch from a US model (ie washer/indicators are on opposite sides - will it work?
ok cool, thanks. Its going in to Mr electrics on Monday. ANy ideads poeple on the volume selector and track selector not working (or rather working when they feel like it) as it should?
Hi Cookie, the reset works when I first turn the ignition on after, but when I do it again, it comes back on. My electrics chappie reset it on his system that he plugged in and it stopped, but second time I turned on the ignition, it started again
oh dear. PKAT is falling apart finally. Hope not.
Problem 1 - airbag light is on all the time. My local electrics guru have a very quick look and there are no faults. He reset and the light went out. Bon! However the next timne I started her up, not so bon. Light back on again. Clock Spring?
Problem 2. Volume down works, volume up doesn't. Selector down works, selector up doesn't. Squib? Combination switch?
Whatdyathink guys and girls?
Good afternoon!
PKAT seems a bit laboured. When I turn right or left, more at the fuller extent than the mid range, the steering seems very heavy, almost clunky and sticky. Ideas? She's 9 years old and done 67k.
Good morning boys and girls,
It looks very much like I need a new rwear box for my baby. There is a crack where the box connects going forwards (no idea of technical name). I could get it welded, but am wondering about something shiny and new and sparkly and LOUD
is the only way can describe it!
I would have said its very similar to the noise a fan belt makes when its slipping. Doesn't happen every time I start up, just sometimes, and only from cold. Lasts for about 20 metres, then stops.
Clues anyone?
I'm on a 55 plate with 64k miles.