Jeez chill out dude, what a great first post
Whats wrong with everyone today? Need a heavy dose of chill pills i think.
My post may seem a bit silly because at the time i was referring to a post above mine that i had no idea what the whole thing was about and seemed to be a bit bitchy, it has since been removed so now my post looks silly !!
I thank Stew for taking the time to explain why the post appeared and disappeared again i understand whole heartedly why the rules are in place. I once did admin for an Irish car site and spammers were the bain of our lives, hence why i didn't want to spam for 15 posts. I could never take on adfmin work again, totally thankless work.
Finally I don't want to offend or pee off anyone on here, just selliong my zorst and i may hang around if ye all want me to !! And for the record the zorst is still on my zed and for sale unless my buddy, Mark has sold it !!
Cheers everyone !