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Everything posted by Pete350z

  1. It could be that expensive because the owner could have specced it massively during the build process. It's the fit out and engines that make a boat seriously expensive, not really the size. And judging by the top speed then that boat must have 2 huge horsepower engines which probably cost half of the purchase price. Also the boat could be kitted out in marble and gold in the interior, or something equally expensive, hence big cost, those kind of boats can be made cheaper but this one more then likely has a 2 mill cost due to engine and interior finish.
  2. I always have mine off !! I have done for the last 2 and a half years since I bought the car. I totally trust my instincts over the computer every day of the week, at least if i crash the car i can blame my lack of talent and not blame the ecu's lack of talent. Cheers, Pete.
  3. Aren't Rota available in 19" in the states now ?? When will they be over to the uk ?
  4. Exhaust is sold folks, Thanks, Pete.
  5. Jeez chill out dude, what a great first post Whats wrong with everyone today? Need a heavy dose of chill pills i think. My post may seem a bit silly because at the time i was referring to a post above mine that i had no idea what the whole thing was about and seemed to be a bit bitchy, it has since been removed so now my post looks silly !! I thank Stew for taking the time to explain why the post appeared and disappeared again i understand whole heartedly why the rules are in place. I once did admin for an Irish car site and spammers were the bain of our lives, hence why i didn't want to spam for 15 posts. I could never take on adfmin work again, totally thankless work. Finally I don't want to offend or pee off anyone on here, just selliong my zorst and i may hang around if ye all want me to !! And for the record the zorst is still on my zed and for sale unless my buddy, Mark has sold it !! Cheers everyone ! Pete.
  6. What exaclty is the point of the above post ?? Mark is helping me out by putting the exhaust up for sale on here as i don't have 15 posts and i'm not going to spam the forum to generate enough posts to sell the exhaust. If you could clear up what you're getting at in the above post that would be a great help I'm simply trying to sell an exhaust is all. Thanks, Pete.
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