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Everything posted by fakeindian

  1. take it easy on him he's new...........
  2. mate i know how you feel.... i have done loads to my car to get it to start looking the was i want it and a couple of weeks back while the car was parked up some f*@ker has decided to try and parallel park behind me and has knocked his front bumper into the back bumper of mine!!! it's scratched the bumper and knocked it a bit as it has pushed the rear indicator light out of place and has strated to spider the paint work & flake off around the indicator!!!..... SO F*@KING PI$$ED OFF!!
  3. if you ever tried that in this country you'd have all your body parts of the car all over the place...... we just don't have the roads for it which is a real shame
  4. i only had one on the passenger side (weird ) but i ordered one of R35LEE for the drivers side but he couldn't just get the clip off so had to send me the whole seat belt...still haven't got round to fitting it though
  5. fakeindian

    Matte zed?

    just seen this and i've been toying with the idea too can't wait to see yours jay bet it's GONNA LOOK SICK BLOOD!!!
  6. absolute f**Kin joke.... they'll do anything to get out of a pay out!!! i hate insurance companies
  7. what happened to this list? pm him and ask him if he can help you out
  8. Thanks people.... Just feel like a bit of a rude boy now if I've got it turned up and open the window
  9. look really good bud.... need to get some other stuff sorted first but will defo take some off you somewhere down the line.
  10. forget the pics of his car.... wheres the ones from the stag do!!??
  11. sounds good to me bud... keep me updated
  12. thats the next step for me to. maybe we can see if abbey can do a discount if we both go down together
  13. you've been a busy bee haven't ya!!! can't wait to see it bud sure they look
  14. very nice buddy... will wait for the piccys
  15. ohhhh led rear lights you beat me to you bugger!!!
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